Amplifier Goliath!

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If my memory is okay, I believe the design is more of less identical to the Crescendo Amp published by Elektor in the 80s except the OP Mosfets had been changed from Hitachis to IRFs. Original amp sounded pretty okay though not outstanding.

My 2 cts.

ckt 🙂 🙂
the bias resistor needs to be changed to a temperature compensating bias voltage. Diodes on the main heatsink or Vbe (Vgs) multiplier. A dual complementary Vgs multiplier as Borbely may be the best option.
The input cap seems a bit small RC = 33mS.
The LTP current seems a bit low about at about 760uA, only 380uA per leg if balanced.
Gate source zeners direct across the FET legs would be better maybe 7V to 9V then the 220r current limits the zener on overload. But it still won't survive a short circuit. Needs short protection on the VAS transistors.
Leave an extra route for the Hi Frequency feedback capacitor to the bases of the inverting LTP pairs. and maybe space for an RC combination in // to the 47pF

The rest of the circuit seems well designed, e.g. good separation of power and signal grounds.
With all this stuff coming from Serbia and Croatia maybe i should make an effort to learn to read the language.
I am really looking forward to the details of the 60watt class A amplifier(on the power amplifier current project list).

Using L-brackets to couple drivers and output Hitachi Mosfets is a very original idea, Sigma amplifier.
I have been thinking of building Dr. Jagodic's SMPS.

High time DIYaudio had a special thread for links to pages like the one from Dr. Jagodic.
I looked around here and there but even our "Eminence Grise" (read SY) doesn't know what would be a good combination.
As it's impossible to read the website I can't tell much more.
Wouldn't the author be able to advise you?

/Hugo 🙂
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