AMP guys be warned, this is a fishing trip

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Ok ,this is a question where i want you to imagine i am you or someone like me who has a budget that cant be exceeded. I am looking for a used quality amp for a two channel system say, and I have 700 dollars max to spend. What would I look for?

Pretend want the best sound that $700 will buy.
I know where you want to go Master SY 😀 But i am happy just to know what is considered a quality amp for that price. My pioneer is not cutting it (i was told) and i agree. so i can swing 5 to 700 for an amp and i think i could get an excellent amp in that price range if i go used. Because they are older does not me they are bad . Most of the stuff in the stores today with their IC outputs sound like junk.

SO ignore room and speakers and what have you. Just a nice clean op statement ...

"i like so and so because they built and designed a good sounding amp thats blah blah blah. Good value for 700 dollars "

Like that. 😉

Say it for the Average Joe's like me. (sorry to offend any Joe's in this forum ) 😎
Clean ... i like that. Adcom eh ? I will make a list for this weekend and go ebaying and to a few of the shops here in toronto and see what i can find. Since i was a fool and walked away from that MC275 a few weeks back because i had to eat instead.😡
Not the original 4B's. They have enough troubles and can sound "bad". The Adcom is a good choice. Remember to save some money from the purchase to "freshen" up your amp. A Marantz 300DC would work well, along with a Nak PA-7 (II). Many others out there to choose from.

North American Sound on Queen St. in Toronto has an Adcom amp all black with a rocker switch. I wish i had have seen the number on it. Its pretty big :xeye: Pretty sure it was a GFA - 555 .

What is a Nikko? He has an amp there with 175 watts per channel for 250 bucks that weighs a ton. But it is a Nikko and he was shifty when i asked what he thought of its quality.

Well he wants to sell it so of course he wont bad mouth it.

i DOnt think i have heard of a lavardin.

And freshen up what bro ? Mosfets need to be replaced, caps, resistors ?? something i can get at hopefully 😀
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