AMDEK percusion synthesizer

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I've just done a gig tonight with The Go! Team and was fascinated by this little unit. It's a piezo or CV triggered noise box, capable of some cool percussion sounds and weird bass noises. I'm hooked and would love to posses one for myself. However, BOSS no longer make the line of kits and internet searches have not yet produced any obvious sources where I might get hold of one.

On the positive side, as it was originally sold as a kit there is a lot of useful documentation on it's construction. So, I figure I'll just have to make one. Now my experience in this field is limited. I've constructed and have a happily working GSSL clone, a firefly guitar amp and several other toys that I've put together using someone elses PCB. In this case the PCB design exists but only as a photo of the top and bottom of the board.

What I'm wondering is, using a combination of the schematic and the image, how likely am I going to be able to recreate this wonderful device and can anyone suggest a good starting point.


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