How does the Alpair-7 compare to the Jordan J92. I will be crossing it over at about 400 hz to a helper woofer so power handling isn't a big concern but wondered which driver would have better vocals.
Here we go again - not controversial in the least. Can you define “better” in 25(00) words or less? 😉
To paraphrase Ryan George, that should be “super easy, barely an inconvenience”.
Both are quite decent drivers and could work very well over the bandwidth indicated, but I think the particular Jordan model cited is rather long in the tooth. Its successor, the Eikona2 is very well respected, but rather more costly on this side of the pond than say, the current Mark Audio models that would be worthy candidates. That latter brand is also going through a model line change, and at least one (Pluvia7) is on clearance pricing at Madisound for $35 ea, rather a bargain AFAIC. I’ve had a pair of those as front height surrounds in a 7.1 system for a while now, highpassed much lower than 400 and they acquit themselves quite nicely.
To paraphrase Ryan George, that should be “super easy, barely an inconvenience”.
Both are quite decent drivers and could work very well over the bandwidth indicated, but I think the particular Jordan model cited is rather long in the tooth. Its successor, the Eikona2 is very well respected, but rather more costly on this side of the pond than say, the current Mark Audio models that would be worthy candidates. That latter brand is also going through a model line change, and at least one (Pluvia7) is on clearance pricing at Madisound for $35 ea, rather a bargain AFAIC. I’ve had a pair of those as front height surrounds in a 7.1 system for a while now, highpassed much lower than 400 and they acquit themselves quite nicely.
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