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All new Hitachi J50 and K135 for sale!

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Hi Guys, I have 8 pieces of J50 and 8 pieces of K135 for sale, all new and original from Hitachi. Packed in ESD-bag and in excellent condition. I can't know the function for sure since they have never been used. I was planning to build the Crescendo by Elektor in the mid 80's but never came around to it...

Since I have no time and no longer needs a Crescendo I put these MOSFET up for sale hoping that any of you guys will find a use for them.

I was thinking a price of 10€ each (or highest bid) when bying the lot would be fare price since they are all new and unused? Please advise if you think the price is wrong, it's hard to predict any price since you no longer can buy these MOSFETs... 🙄

The MOSFETs are located in Sweden but I can ship to most countries around the globe, the price excludes shipping and any PayPal fees...






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