All MOSFET Class A headphone amplifier

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here is the schematics of headphone amplifier. It is DOGC amplifier by Dr. Bora Jagodic, but without current dumping class C stage, lower rail voltages and gain set to 6x.
Design has not been build yet. It is recommende to use different P-channel mosfet than IRF, becuase of the transconductance problem. I will be using FQP7P06. Bias current is 200mA for output fets and 20mA for input fets. Note that input fets will require small heatsink!

Schematic is not final, I will add DC servo later.

For PSU I was thinking about using Super regulator by Jung / Didden.

I will be designing PCB boards too, but later.


    137.9 KB · Views: 611
  • DOGC-HEADPHONE SIM - AC plot.jpg
    DOGC-HEADPHONE SIM - AC plot.jpg
    360.9 KB · Views: 583
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