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Aleph2 pcb's, matched fets for aleph2 and aleph ono pcb's

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Hi All-

I'm going a different direction and I've got the following available:

A pair of Kristijan's PCB's per this link:

This includes all boards and will allow one to make dual mono aleph2's. I'll include all info mailed in the packet.

A matched set of FET's for two mono Aleph2's. This includes 24 IRF240's and 6 IRF 9610's. These were matched by Matt per this link:
They will come in the packaging he sent them in. Unfortunately, I cannot garauntee them, but I can say that they have never been used and the 240's have never been out of the packaging. I took great care of them and they have been sitting in the corner of my room for the last year.

Finally, I have a set of Ono PCB's per the offer by Bouke van der Weerdt with the original envelope and instructions.

I'll take $90 for the Aleph2 PCB's, $65 for the matched FET's and $45 for the Ono boards and I'll pay shipping anywhere in the continental US. First offer of $180 takes all of it, shipped!

Thanks for looking,

btw, my ebay handle is jdickins

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