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The more infos about Power Supply PCBs can be founded at:

The PCBs are made of FR-4 fiberglass material with Cu-50 mikron + Pb track overlay (tinplated), laser drilled, with two sided blue soldermask (instead of green), and with white component overlay.

They comes with the partlist, stuffing guide and circuit diagram.

Best regards,
Kristijan Kljucaric
Hello Brian,

Actually the boards for the active crossovers are finished and tested, but I didn't have enough time to put them on the website.

The all crossovers are based on TL integrated circuits, and they are 18 dB/Oct. Butterworth design.
The 2-way use single TL 074 and 3-way use TL 074 + TL 072 with the minimum other components.
If desired the TL types can be replaced with more better and more expensive OP types or similar.

Power supply for both types should be from 2x12 V - 2x15 V stabilized.
THD is around 0,00098 %, and S/N 101 dB. (values are measured with TL type and with 2x15 V)

The crossover frequencies for 3-way would be 308 Hz / 4380 Hz, and for 2-way - 1000 Hz.
If desired, values of capacitors for the others crossover frequencies can be easily calculated.

Best regards,
Kristijan Kljucaric
Hello Mr.Holger,

The all PCBs at the my website are SINGLE sided,
including the Aleph P 1.7 preamplifier PCB.

Also, when care and a lot's of nervs taken for designing
the PCBs, I believe that it is possible to design almost
everything symetric.

Best regards,
Kristijan Kljucaric


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