Aleph 30

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This forum is the best !!!!
I am so astonished by all the good people out there and all the amazing information that is shared here, unbelievable.
After reading and researching just about everything I could find on MOSFET amps, I decided to build the Aleph 30. Thanx for all the info that are already available ie: circuits, pcb's, advice...
It make it for a newbie like myself so easy and "unfreigtening" to start building a project.
What I actually want to know is how can I build this amp with a 300VA , 35-0-35 volt toroidal. This is just about twice the size required, but all I can get.
2nd question is: Are the NTE replacement for IRFP244 , NTE2921, just as good or what else can I use in place of IRFP244.
Thanx again to all for all.


South Africa
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