Hi, i'm new to this site, and i will certainly read the most articles , referring to Mr. Pass his projects. I have no electronic background,but i asembled my Pre-, End-amplifier and a Dac that were developed by a Dutch audio magazine ( Audio&Techniek).
They sound good, but i'm convinced that there are better sounding components. I'm hoping that someone is interested to built the Aleph 1.7 pre-amplifier, and it would be possible to me that i could share the pcb's.
Best regards
Reliszko Kazimier
They sound good, but i'm convinced that there are better sounding components. I'm hoping that someone is interested to built the Aleph 1.7 pre-amplifier, and it would be possible to me that i could share the pcb's.
Best regards
Reliszko Kazimier