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AKIDO Line Stage with PEARL CryoValves & Coolers and Stepped Attenuator

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I have a fully assembled, tested and -unused- 2005 vintage Akido linestage board that uses very closely matched, low noise PEARL CryoValve ECC99s, IAR Wonder Caps in the signal path, RelCap PS bypass caps, Cardas solder and decent, generic RCA connectors for testing purposes.
The ECC99s are fitted with PEARL tube coolers. Tube coolers and CryoValves can be seen on our here on our site: PEARL's Products & Services and do note the 1 year sliding scale warranty on CryoValves, just follow the on-page links to get to it.
Also offered is the low-cost-switch version of Broskie's three switch volume control, also fully assembled.

For the pre-amp with tubes, coolers, caps and full warranty on the tubes I am asking $US400.00 and for the volume control wired, tested and -unused- $US35.00.
PayPal is the payment method please. Pix to follow if requested . . .

Bill P. @ PEARL
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Joined 2009
Paid Member
Please give more information about the volume control is 100K or 20K? is this one:


Wich resistors are installed: Vishay, Caddock, etc.?
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