Airborne FR222B8-19F

Joined 2003
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Does anyone have experience with Airborne FR222B8-19F full range driver? I'm thinking about trying them out in a vintage stereo console rework and have 2 main questions.

1)I'm interested if anyone has measured the TS parameters at home.

2)With the 5k dip, I'm thinking that after I shape the response above and below the dip creating a downward slope towards 15khz, the 5k dip will only be down 5db and that might be more than acceptable.


Airborne FR222.PNG
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Thanks ernperkins

The driver models well for ported, reminds me of silver flute 8 in that way, except 1mm xmax makes it impossible, for real, 1mm or something else going on here?
Sealed with a sub would be good but then that opens up the possibility for other 8" full rangers like SB20FRPC30 at $66ca

Then there's the 5k dip. Hmm, might just have to try them out and see how it goes with a sub. Always something to learn from the experience..
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Where is this 1mm Xmax coming from?
It doesnt make sense. Just look the size of the magnet, with 1mm Xmax it would be some 3dB more efficient, even with somewhat high Mms.
6mm peak-to-peak (3mm one side) sounds realistic to me.

4-5 kHz dip doesnt look nice but thats only 1/3 of an octave. With little correction below and above I doubt it will be problematic. Regarding that, do you plan active or passive correction?

127 CAD is around 85 EUR. I wish I could buy them in Europe for that price.
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So, two different datasheets.
Stil, for 127 CAD / 85 EUR I still think its a good buy.

Regarding dip in response, take a look at post #171 in this thread. It shows two measurements of coax driver with similar dip in response. 4 meters away at listening position response is smoother beacuse of room reflections. You can expect something similar too.
"4-5 kHz dip doesnt look nice but thats only 1/3 of an octave. With little correction below and above I doubt it will be problematic. Regarding that, do you plan active or passive correction?"

I'm planning to use a Pass full range active EQ to attenuate below the 5k dip and passive notch above the dip.
I was wondering about Horizontal MTM pair. At 50" apart tweeter to tweeter with the hard surface between the pair, the destructive interference from each side could be helpful and the vertical sound window would be large giving advantage to sitting and standing??
These are great drivers! I've just ordered my 2nd pair! I built a pair for a friend and he raves about them (and so do I) - and he's more than 1/2 to being an audio file. I will test TS parameters and post. Also, here are a few excerpts from an email chain with Solen regarding these drivers:

"2.36cuft is definitely too large for the FR222, it will end up being under damped and have very low power handling. We did use it in cabinet as large as 1.5cuft. You could reduce the internal volume of the existing cabinet by adding a partition. You can’t really smooth the dip with a filter. However, a dip is not as noticeable as a peek, so I would not worry about it.

"The 1.5cuft enclosure will go down to 41Hz, so not much lower then 0.889cuft cabinet. The smaller cabinet will give you better transient.
Me: WinISD says the ideal internal volume is 0.889 sq ft. (45Hz). Does that make sense to you or is there a more optimal box volume that your experience would recommend?"

"Flared 3" port - 6.25"
I converted this old Fairfax speaker


to this....
