Adding balancing transformer to preamp, signal loss

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I have a nice and fine preamp build for a PVDF pickup, amplifying the signal to more than usable levels.

After losing the battle with 60hz hum, I have inserted a passive DI between the preamp (circuit) out and output jack. (no 20dB cut, otherwise identical, without the ground cut switch)
An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

that is a 1,000uF cap, isn't it..

After putting it all back together, working fine, except the signal fell down a mineshaft, and all the gain I use to be able to hear it, only just, is silly. Is it normal for passive balancing to cut the level so much?

Is it a case for amplifying the signal again, before or after the transformer?
The output impedance of the jfet booster is quite high. It is running out of drive when trying to swing the signal through the transformer. You could use a common emitter buffer after the jfet to add some drive capacity... it only adds 2 parts.

Collector to +9v and the emitter is the output; base is the input from the jfet's drain. See attachment.

This should be enough drive...



  • jfet1.gif
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