Add Headphone jack/switch to preamp

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Hello everyone,
I'm newbie and i almost finish my first gainclone amp (based on LM3886 chip). I added a very nice pre-amp (diy also) and now i want complicate things adding a headphone jack. My idea is put the headphone jack after preamp but before amp with a jack/switch (for switching off the speakers).
Can you help with comments about the wiring? I need to put resistor, capacitor, etc? There's any risk of damage for the Amp?

BTW: Sorry for my english 😀
Do you have the 5532 datasheet?
it specifies the lowest impedance for load and the maximum current (not the short circuit current).
You might just about be able to run 600ohms headphones from a 5532 but it will probably get very warm, or maybe overheat.
The 5532 has two channels inside so has to get rid of twice the heat compared to a 5534.
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