Adcom GFA 545 ii

Hello guys,

Very first post here.

I just received a GFA-545 ii from a friend for free. It's fairly clean and in good visible condition. I set it up using a Bel Canto DAC3 as the pre-amp/DAC. When playing a CD I have to turn the volume to at least to 80.0, on the DAC3, achieve a nominal listening level.
When I have used my NAD c315BEE in combo with the DAC3 I only need to turn the volume a quarter of the way to reach the same level of volume.
When using the Adcom there is no buzz or other audible negative result.

Any thoughts on this?

All the best,
When playing a CD I have to turn the volume to at least to 80.0, on the DAC3, achieve a nominal listening level.
When I have used my NAD c315BEE in combo with the DAC3 I only need to turn the volume a quarter of the way to reach the same level of volume.

The NAD is an integrated amplifier, so you have the extra gain of its line amplifier section.
Including the NAD's power amplifier gives a total of 39dB gain for line inputs with the NAD.
The Adcom power amplifier has only 27dB gain, so the NAD gives 12dB more gain.
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