active crossover kits

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Has anyone here built a marchand XM9-KK active crossover kit? I am trying to decide between it or one from The thing is, I am new to diy electronics so I think the marchand might be better for me as it is a complete kit whereas the ones from ESP are just circuit boards. I have found a page or two about this particular kit, and all builders seem to praise it highly. I just wanted to get some more opinions. Thanks.

I found this gentleman in my roving:

He is offering a crossover kit which includes many ranges of componenets to save new DIYers from making a billion orders to digikey. I think this is a fantastic idea and would gladly order one except, he has not replied to my email.

Perhaps you at DIYaudio could help me get together a shopping list which will be very flexible to me as i experiment. Then i can make a single, or a few orders and save myself some time and money!

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