Acoustat Spectra 1100 parts

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I have a pair of Acoustat Spectra 1100's that I don't need anymore. The problem is that the 8" woofers of this hybrid design were damaged and unusable. There are suitable replacement drivers available from Twinstatic Audio in Germany, but I haven't spent the money and time to get them.

If I had a buyer for the 1100's I would get the drivers and install them, but that hasn't happened yet. BTW, the 1100's, and me, are in the Detroit metro area.

My other thought, as I would like to get rid of excess stuff, is to sell the parts. That would be:
2 - Spectra panels
2 - spectra transformers/interface (usable by itself)
2 - woofer crossover with big Alpha Core inductors
2 - Acoustat 'wall-warts', and misc. sorbothane and hardware
2 - amp stands to fit on the back of the 1100's

I guess the woofer box and panel frame would just be scrap then...

I have upgraded the electronics quite a bit, and info on that is partway down this page: Dave's Audio Upgrades and Mods

So what do you think I should do ? Is anyone interested in the restored speakers, or any of the parts ?

Dave Ayers
I don't currently have much money, so I probably shouldn't even ask, but how much were you thinking you wanted for them, as they stand currently? I'm a hopeless ESL collector, and have been thinking of using spectra 11/1100 panels to replace the damaged center panels on my Model 3s. I'm also in the Detroit area, so at least shipping wouldn't be an issue!

I am thinking about $150 for the pair. But I'm not sure that these Spectra panels would be a good replacement for Model 3's. If they are the same width, I suppose that the two sections of the Spectra panel could be wired together, but i don't know if there are any other differences.

Maybe someone else could chime in on their suitability ?

Dave A
I don't currently have much money, so I probably shouldn't even ask, but how much were you thinking you wanted for them, as they stand currently? I'm a hopeless ESL collector, and have been thinking of using spectra 11/1100 panels to replace the damaged center panels on my Model 3s. I'm also in the Detroit area, so at least shipping wouldn't be an issue!

The center panels in a Model 3 are 8" wide, whereas the Spectra panels are 9" wide. Therefore, the Spectra panels are not a suitable replacement unless you want to rebuild the frame to accept them.

The Spectra panels can be used to replace any 9" panels (like the outer panels in your Model 3's) by wiring the stator grids together.
Trying to fix up spectra 1100

I saw that you have the opposite problem as me, I have working woofers but I haven't gotten the esl's to work, I don't have the wall wort, but I have ac adapters that go from 120V wall to 15VAC 150 mah, do you still have these parts for sale, any advise for getting parts from anyone would be helpful, thanks everyone.

If anyone should stumble on this thread in search of woofers for The Spectra 1100, then I have got two of them I'm willing to sell. The rest will be used for a wild project 🙂 Just write to me directly if you should be interested.
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