• WARNING: Tube/Valve amplifiers use potentially LETHAL HIGH VOLTAGES.
    Building, troubleshooting and testing of these amplifiers should only be
    performed by someone who is thoroughly familiar with
    the safety precautions around high voltages.

About Hmmmmm

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One question is in my head......How depend acoustic systems from hmmmm.
If hmmmm is a few % level from sounding level, it is terrible!
But if it is less than 0.5-0.2 % /I don't know how/?.......
......If every car starts to move, it consumes big quantity of gas......
if every speaker system starts to move, in first moment sound looses some energy for moving and dynamic go down.....but if speaker system moves permanent from a little, little bit / I don't know how.../ permanent hmmmm, this is like "increasing" of dynamic....Maybe I'm wrong? Guys, what do You think?
Doesn't really apply, as the speaker is constantly moving out, stopping, moving back in , stopping etc .... You wouldn't "Bias" the speaker with DC, that would have a similar effect, but reduce dynamic range as the cone movement would be restricted.

Personally I crave a silent amplifier, anything that comes out that I didn't put in is noise, except for choice harmonics I suppose... that's why real electronics glows in the dark 🙂
I would guess that hum could improve a speaker which had a serious voice coil rub, by acting against stiction (a bit like the way dither improves digital sampling resolution). Even there, the level of hum needed would be annoying. Everywhere else, any amount of audible hum should be avoided, unless you regard hum as being a necessary part of "tube sound".
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