6N137 LTspice model

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I did find a ftp yahoo group thing with quite a few models, but i get the absolute best performance with a simple transistor level shifter, second best with a HCPL3140 model and the worst out of the bunch with the 6N137 model.
maybe you should sim the test circuits, see which models look most like datasheet numbers, graphs - or even hardware measurements

models can be suitable in one context but worthless in another that relies on different part characteristics

and learning to design for worst case is good for you anyway...
It might be that the models are made in such a way that they expect and require a redundand ground to work properly and thus doesent work properly when beeing level shifted.

The IXDD414 model on that is is just like that, it works pefectly fine when ground referenced, but when referenced to VS(output) on a mosfet halfbridge, it doesent work at all.
no Spice will allow total DC isolation - all circuits must have DC path to Spice gnd (node=0) - it simply can't find DC operating point, formulate the impedance matrix, invert it if any part is totally isolated

there is a Gmin spec - some Spice option can be set to give some large value like 100 GigaOhm to gnd from all circuit nodes
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