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4x new Vifa (Peerless) P13WH-00-08

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So I finally was convinced to offer these beauties separately.

The great midbasses P13WH-00-08, new still in boxes, from last production under the Peerless-label (as Vifa became part of Tymphany) - so recent stuff not something 10 years old.

These drivers were used in a lot of nice speakers, like

the Ariel, the Me2, Ariel Speaker Page

the Okara 2 OkaraII

the Esquire SpeakerBuilding.com - Design of the Esquire, Page 1

the spirit Spirit

even a cool variant of the Metronome, dubbed the biMetronome:

The Metronome
the plan is here

I think that should give an idea ;-)

Price is 220 Euros for all 4 units, with shipping included within Europe!

Might also sell them as pairs, just shoot me an email.

Have fun, Hannes

PS: these drivers are on offer until somebody takes 'em or I find time to build them into my trusty and rusty car ;-)
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