47 Laboratory started selling kits

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47 Laboratory eventually launched a new brand "47 Treasure" to the DIY market. The first product under this brand is model 0147, a headphone/pre-amplifier.

In the picture, the 0147 is a discrete solid-state preamplifier with a big transformer (as well as other 47 models). The volume control seems a blue ALPS, and the input selection is a conventional rotary switch. The overall design of this kit is possibly similar to the previous regular product model 4733 headphone/pre-amplifier.

Of course, I am curious about the sound. By the way, hope more interesting kits will be released. :scratch1:
Just built a 0147 kit for my friend, and the sound is really impressive.

In fact, I did not expect too much from such an inexpensive headphone amp. However, as a preamplifier, the line out quality of 0147 is pretty good. Transparent, involving, alive, and very musical. It simply beats my well-tweaked B1.

47 Lab always surprises me.


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Yes, all the transistors in the kit are selected and matched.

As a headphone amplifier driving my Alessandro Music Pro, the sound of 0147 is very clean, and the background is very dark as well. I do not think a regulator is necessary.
Instead, in my experience, unregulated power supplies bring more "analogy" feeling to the music. The sound is more relax, more forgiving, and easier.

However, as a preamplifier, I hear a bit background noise from my speakers. Regulated power supplies may help.
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