3-4 inch Tang Band in a TL

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I just finished assembling a 1/4 wave TL sub for the living room. I still have a little tweaking to do but already I am very pleased with the result. !😎

But now I have more and more reserve with my old Toshiba speakers. As a matter of fact, they sound like crap. They have absolutely no highs, the mids are not bad but not exactly lively and the bass is terrible. :xeye:

The sub has definitely helped a lot with it's tight bass. Now I need something that can replace the Toshibas. I remember first looking at Rob Sampson's web site and finding the concept quite interesting. Unfortunately, I have no clues how to do the calculations to achieve such a project.

My goal would be to use a 3-4 inch Tang Band friver in a configuration that might look something like the Boomtube.

Is this possible ? If so, could someone point me in the right direction in order to find the calculations required to achieve such a design ?
If you like the Tangband drivers (as I do, especially the W3-871S) I would suggest the following.

For a single driver application see:

For two driver applications see:

For a four driver application see:

I know that many have built Voigt pipes using RS 40-1197s and Fostex FE-103s and that the Tangband W3-871S should be able to work in something similar although I've not actually tried it.
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