2SA1312 / 2SC3324 models for LTSPice

Today I found out about 2SA1312 / 2SC3324 transistors, that might be good replacements for 2SA970/2SC2240.

I already found a Pspice models Toshiba for both transistors, but I do not want to make a subckt from those files.

Can I open the lib file with notepad and do this?

.SUBCKT 2SA1312 1 2 3
Q1 1 2 3 3 2SA1312_BJT
+ LEVEL = 1
+ IS = 2e-013
+ BF = 415
+ NF = 1
+ VAF = 60
+ IKF = 0.2
+ ISE = 1.05e-009
+ NE = 5
+ BR = 10
+ NR = 1.02
+ VAR = 8
+ IKR = 0.0001
+ ISC = 1.5e-011
+ NC = 1.3
+ NK = 0.5
+ RE = 0.5
+ RB = 0.2
+ RC = 2
+ CJE = 10E-012
+ VJE = 0.75
+ MJE = 0.33
+ CJC = 1.0176e-011
+ VJC = 0.79167
+ MJC = 0.319
+ FC = 0.5
+ TF = 900E-012
+ XTF = 10
+ VTF = 2
+ ITF = 500E-003
+ PTF = 0
+ TR = 10E-09
+ EG = 1.11
+ XTB = 1.55
+ XTI = 3
+ TRC1 = 0.005
+ TNOM = 25)

Rewrite as:

.MODEL 2SA1312_BJT PNP(LEVEL=1 IS=2e-013 BF=415 NF=1 VAF=60 IKF=0.2 ISE=1.05e-009 NE=5 BR=10 NR=1.02 VAR=8 IKR=0.0001 ISC=1.5e-011 NC=1.3 NK=0.5 RE=0.5 RB=0.2 RC=2 CJE=10E-012 VJE=0.75 MJE=0.33 CJC=1.0176e-011 VJC=0.79167 MJC=0.319 FC=0.5 TF=900E-012 XTF=10 VTF=2 ITF=500E-003 PTF=0 TR=10E-09 EG=1.11 XTB=1.55 XTI=3 TRC1=0.005 TNOM=25)


The model for the 2SC3324 would be:

.MODEL 2SC3324_BJT NPN(LEVEL=1 IS=1.3e-013 BF=475 NF=1 VAF=200 IKF=0.2 ISE=3.5e-014 NE=1.3 BR=28 NR=1 VAR=10 IKR=0.004 ISC=1.5e-010 NC=1.5 NK=0.5 RE=0.25 RB=2 RC=0.02 CJE=3.0625e-011 VJE=0.75 MJE=0.33 CJC=4.9687e-012 VJC=0.9247 MJC=0.1914 FC=0.5 TF=3e-010 XTF=50 VTF=5 ITF=0.1 PTF=0 TR=10E-09 EG=1.11 XTB=1.5 XTI=4 TRC1=0.05 TNOM=25)
I didn't have to make any changes to those files,

I simply put the .asy file into C:\Users\username\Documents\LTspiceXVII\lib\sym and the .mod file into C:\Users\username\Documents\LTspiceXVII\lib\sub

To place the transistors onto your schematic goto edit and component and you should see 2SA1312 / 2SC3324 transistors listed.

BTW did you download the pspice or ltspice files ? As Toshiba provide both types.
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