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21st century Maida regulator PCB (with THINGY)

This PCB has a 21st century Maida regulator design along with Morgan Jones THINGY to elevate heater tube heater voltages. Populating the THINGY is optional.

I built this to use in tube preamps and it’s great. Low noise and great regulation.

I have 8 PCB’s spare for sale from a recent batch I had made for my own projects. The PCB is FR4 through hole plated with silk screen on one side and measures 80x90 mm. I updated my previous run to facilitate larger capacitors, wider package options for the LT3080 and higher voltage connectors.

This is based on the published regulator circuits from here DIY Audio and is not a commercial venture.

Combination of surface mount and through hole plated. All the maida regulator diodes and set resistors are SMD. Full circuit diagram and component layouts supplied.

PCB only £5
UK shipping £1 (contact me for international)

You will need to source mosfet e.g. STW12NK90Z and LT3080 regulator chip (DPAK, TO220-5 or SOT223, bridge diodes, reservoir electrolytics and trimmer pot plus THINGY components.
Send a PM with requirements.


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