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1R 1% Caddock MP816 power resistors

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I have a large number of spare 1R 1% MP816s. TO-220 package, 2.25W without heatsink, 16W with.

RS price for these is £3.20 + VAT each in 100+ quantity.

Yours for just £1.25 each (roughly E2.00 or $1.80).

Paypal/whatever welcome. I'm in the UK, but shipping would be minimal to wherever, and I may chuck it in for free if you buy in bulk.

specs at:

I also have some surplus (but new, unused) 1C/W heatsinks avalable at £10 each.

Helix, I'm in rush now, but if you do a search on my posts and heatsinks, you should find descriptions and a render done by Rarkov (title of thread something to with aluinium construction?)

I think there's a picture of one brutally sawn in half by the mad and bad pinkmouse somewhere around as well (Al, missed the drinks messages pre Xmas, some other time?)

If you can't find the renders etc, I'll look out the threads for you later

Jakeh said:
Helix, I'm in rush now, but if you do a search on my posts and heatsinks, you should find descriptions and a render done by Rarkov (title of thread something to with aluinium construction?)
Try this:

I think there's a picture of one brutally sawn in half by the mad and bad pinkmouse somewhere around as well (Al, missed the drinks messages pre Xmas, some other time?)

As if I would hurt the poor little things, it was all done under full anasthetic... I think the photo is somewhere in one of the gainclone threads, but I can't find it!

I suppose I should get round to posting the finished pics of that amp really! The case, psu, trannie and wiring are all done, I just keep changing the chip amps😉
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