I have spent time on this forum and others and I have a few questions that I can't seem to find answers to.
You all have seen these types of questions before so, if this is redundant then please just ignore this thread and I will keep searching.
I am trying to build an integrated bass amplifier. I settled on the power amp section and now I am having trouble with the preamp.
I have read a ton about the Alembic FB-2 Preamp. I am getting stuck when I get to the power supply. There seems to be two basic power supply designs that work (using 2 walwart style transformers or one dual secondary transformer) both with a voltage doubler.
In my internet research I was reading the Hoffman Amps page and I noticed for his tube preamp he uses this transformer:
Mojo Transformers GA-5 Reissue Rocket/Reverb Unit Power Transformer
In this configuration:
This appears to be a completely different design.
I am looking for the simplest PSU because I plan to put this preamp inside an amp chassis that will already include a transformer for the power amp I plan to use:
HPA-nxV201PS 180 watt Audio Amplifier PSU Module
I like the idea of using the single transformer for the preamp because I should be able to use a single power cord to provide 120v to both trannies. Instead of having a power cord AND and wall wart. If this will not work for any reason please let me know.
Now, I have built tube circuits before (5e3 style) but, they have always been well spec'd and easy to follow.
This is the first time I am just building a preamp. At first I was gonna build a preamp based on the fender deluxe (I love the simplicity of this design) and just use the standard deluxe style power supply. I soon realized that this would be overkill and started looking for people who had already done a 5E3 stand alone preamp. I couldn't find any which led me to use the Alembic preamp but, even this has me pulling my hair out.
1. I guess my main question is, is whether or not either of these power supplies are "BETTER" than the others?
2. Are there any pro's or cons to the PSU used in the Hoffman preamp.
3. Would there be any way to power my mosfet amp module (with built in power supply) and tube preamp from the same transformer. It will have 35v secondaries.
4. I have also downloaded the Duncan power supply designer and I can't figure out how to use it. What am I missing?
Thanks for reading!
You all have seen these types of questions before so, if this is redundant then please just ignore this thread and I will keep searching.
I am trying to build an integrated bass amplifier. I settled on the power amp section and now I am having trouble with the preamp.
I have read a ton about the Alembic FB-2 Preamp. I am getting stuck when I get to the power supply. There seems to be two basic power supply designs that work (using 2 walwart style transformers or one dual secondary transformer) both with a voltage doubler.
In my internet research I was reading the Hoffman Amps page and I noticed for his tube preamp he uses this transformer:
Mojo Transformers GA-5 Reissue Rocket/Reverb Unit Power Transformer
In this configuration:
This appears to be a completely different design.
I am looking for the simplest PSU because I plan to put this preamp inside an amp chassis that will already include a transformer for the power amp I plan to use:
HPA-nxV201PS 180 watt Audio Amplifier PSU Module
I like the idea of using the single transformer for the preamp because I should be able to use a single power cord to provide 120v to both trannies. Instead of having a power cord AND and wall wart. If this will not work for any reason please let me know.
Now, I have built tube circuits before (5e3 style) but, they have always been well spec'd and easy to follow.
This is the first time I am just building a preamp. At first I was gonna build a preamp based on the fender deluxe (I love the simplicity of this design) and just use the standard deluxe style power supply. I soon realized that this would be overkill and started looking for people who had already done a 5E3 stand alone preamp. I couldn't find any which led me to use the Alembic preamp but, even this has me pulling my hair out.
1. I guess my main question is, is whether or not either of these power supplies are "BETTER" than the others?
2. Are there any pro's or cons to the PSU used in the Hoffman preamp.
3. Would there be any way to power my mosfet amp module (with built in power supply) and tube preamp from the same transformer. It will have 35v secondaries.
4. I have also downloaded the Duncan power supply designer and I can't figure out how to use it. What am I missing?
Thanks for reading!
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Ok Your idea should be workable. The Hoffman preamp schematic shows two identical channels each with 4 gain tube sections and a tone stack. Thats a lot of gain. I doubt that you need all of that. There may be a reason Hoffman disigned it that way. But that dosent mean that it is best for what you need. The transformer that you found from Mojo is likely to be OK to power the preamp. Or any normal tube preamp design for this application. Forget about using a wall wart, or anything in the way of a voltage doubler. Wall warts are generally not avaiable with high voltage secondaries, and voltage doublers have several inhearant drawbacks, like low current capability, and unique filtering considerations. Just use the transformer you found. Sounds like you want to build a tube front end with a solid state output. Perfectly valid approach. I think the off the shelf power section is a good answer, but you might consider a diferent pre-amp. Why not just use part of the 5e3 style that you have already worked with? Do you really need two channels? Anyway- sould be do-able. Let us know.
I should have mentioned that I only want 1 channel of the Alembic preamp.
I just want a solid power supply to drive a single 12AX7.
Power supplies are way over my head but, I'm starting to understand them a little.
I just didn't want to beg for an answer. I wanted to show that I had done some homework.
I'm just in over my head and I'm still trying to sort it out.
Thanks for any help you can give.
I just want a solid power supply to drive a single 12AX7.
Power supplies are way over my head but, I'm starting to understand them a little.
I just didn't want to beg for an answer. I wanted to show that I had done some homework.
I'm just in over my head and I'm still trying to sort it out.
Thanks for any help you can give.
Another option I forgot to mention is the power supply kit here:
So you need around 320V at VERY LOW current - say 5mA for 2 off 12AX7.
That is about 2.5 VA (Volt Amps).
You also need 6.3V AC at 600mA for the heaters for the 2 off 12AX7
That is about 4 VA
Get yourself a pair of 10 or 12VA Dual Primary (115 + 115VAC) to 6V AC transformers.
In this size you can even get them as PCB mount style which could go on some vero or Matrix Board.
Wire up the first tranny to run the 6V AC heaters.
Then wire the 6V AC secondary of the 2nd tranny to the 6V AC output of the first tranny (that is in parallel with the heaters). That will result in 115 + 115 = 230V AC appearing across what WAS the primary of the 2nd transformer. Bridge rectify that to get around +300V High Voltage. A choke will NOT be required. Use say 22uF/450V cap then a 2K2 2 Watt resistor (instead of a choke) to a 2nd 22uF/450V capacitor. BINGO that is your complete preamp supply.
Just a suggestion - a million ways to "skin the cat" (and none of them pleasant for the cat).
If you want a ready made solution them that $79 job in your post #5 is a bit of an "overkill" (you will use about 5mA of its 80mA High Voltage Capability) but will certainly do the job.
That is about 2.5 VA (Volt Amps).
You also need 6.3V AC at 600mA for the heaters for the 2 off 12AX7
That is about 4 VA
Get yourself a pair of 10 or 12VA Dual Primary (115 + 115VAC) to 6V AC transformers.
In this size you can even get them as PCB mount style which could go on some vero or Matrix Board.
Wire up the first tranny to run the 6V AC heaters.
Then wire the 6V AC secondary of the 2nd tranny to the 6V AC output of the first tranny (that is in parallel with the heaters). That will result in 115 + 115 = 230V AC appearing across what WAS the primary of the 2nd transformer. Bridge rectify that to get around +300V High Voltage. A choke will NOT be required. Use say 22uF/450V cap then a 2K2 2 Watt resistor (instead of a choke) to a 2nd 22uF/450V capacitor. BINGO that is your complete preamp supply.
Just a suggestion - a million ways to "skin the cat" (and none of them pleasant for the cat).
If you want a ready made solution them that $79 job in your post #5 is a bit of an "overkill" (you will use about 5mA of its 80mA High Voltage Capability) but will certainly do the job.
The picture I have of an F2B's internals show a stancor PS-8415 transformer. If you're planning on stuffing this into a 1U rack case like the original, I would try to find one of these. A quick google search led me here:
Leeds Radio - transformers
They list it at 22$.
Leeds Radio - transformers
They list it at 22$.
Thanks for the suggestions. Yes that SFT kit is over kill.
Now you see my dilemma. I now have 2 great posts (from Gingertube and Stormrider) giving me two different options.
These are the two prevailing PSU designs that I see for this project.
I guess now I will just have to see what parts I can acquire cheaper and easier.
Now you see my dilemma. I now have 2 great posts (from Gingertube and Stormrider) giving me two different options.
These are the two prevailing PSU designs that I see for this project.
I guess now I will just have to see what parts I can acquire cheaper and easier.
Stancor PS-8415, 117V primary, 125V@15ma DC, 6.3V@0.6amps $22.00
Voltage may be a bit low, even with a doubler, borderline?
Voltage may be a bit low, even with a doubler, borderline?
I'm at work now, but when I get home I'll post the pictures and schematics I have. The original F2-B used that Stancor transformer and a doubler supply. The filament winding is rated right on the edge for two 12AX7's, but will work fine, as it did in the Alembic. It would run cool if you only needed one channel, one 12AX7. I hope Leeds Radio has more than one or two, as I wanted to get one for an Alembic clone myself.
As I said before, this is probably the simplest option if you are planning a stand alone preamp in a 1U case like the original. If you have more space, I would probably do the two transformers back-to-back thing if it was cheaper.
As I said before, this is probably the simplest option if you are planning a stand alone preamp in a 1U case like the original. If you have more space, I would probably do the two transformers back-to-back thing if it was cheaper.
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I'm at work now, but when I get home I'll post the pictures and schematics I have. The original F2-B used that Stancor transformer and a doubler supply. The filament winding is rated right on the edge for two 12AX7's, but will work fine, as it did in the Alembic. It would run cool if you only needed one channel, one 12AX7. I hope Leeds Radio has more than one or two, as I wanted to get one for an Alembic clone myself.
As I said before, this is probably the simplest option if you are planning a stand alone preamp in a 1U case like the original. If you have more space, I would probably do the two transformers back-to-back thing if it was cheaper.
Thanks. That would be a huge help!
Stancor PS8415? They still make that? Wow! When I was learning back in the 1950s, there were all these little projects in Popular Electronics and other magazines. VERY few transistors in those days, all the projects were tube based. And that PS8415 I think was the supply for most of them. Little one or two tube circuit like an antenna booster or preselector. I think I bought a couple a month in my teens.
Stancor PS-8415, 117V primary, 125V@15ma DC, 6.3V@0.6amps $22.00
Voltage may be a bit low, even with a doubler, borderline?
Sorry, that should be fine for the job. Don't know what I was a thinkin...
I think I forgot to add the extra 28% after doubling for rectification.😱
Stancor PS8415? They still make that? Wow! When I was learning back in the 1950s, there were all these little projects in Popular Electronics and other magazines. VERY few transistors in those days, all the projects were tube based. And that PS8415 I think was the supply for most of them. Little one or two tube circuit like an antenna booster or preselector. I think I bought a couple a month in my teens.
Back in the days when they were $2.90ea.? 😀
I doubt they're still in production; I'm guessing that radio shop just found a case of them and then sold out. It would be a nice all in one solution for tube preamp circuits, especially if you need something to fit in a 1U case. Oh well...
Back in the days when they were $2.90ea.? 😀
I doubt they're still in production; I'm guessing that radio shop just found a case of them and then sold out. It would be a nice all in one solution for tube preamp circuits, especially if you need something to fit in a 1U case. Oh well...
Well, maybe I can find a copy of the specs and find a transformer that matches.
Here is all the Alembic info I have:
Original schematic, don't know if it's proven or not:
Another one, I haven't compared this with the other one:
Alembic F1-X internals:
The F2-B:
F2-B internals:
Not sure where I got this next set of schematics, but he added a hi-cutoff switch and maybe changed some component values.
Power Supply:
Hopefully something here will help.
Original schematic, don't know if it's proven or not:
Another one, I haven't compared this with the other one:
Alembic F1-X internals:
The F2-B:
F2-B internals:
Not sure where I got this next set of schematics, but he added a hi-cutoff switch and maybe changed some component values.
Power Supply:
Hopefully something here will help.
Thanks. I haven't seen some of these. That power supply link showed the 2 transformer version but, the FB2 guts photo clearly showed the single tranny.
I think I'm gonna go with a single tranny PSU.
Thanks for all of you help.
I think I'm gonna go with a single tranny PSU.
Thanks for all of you help.
Did you ever get going with this project Bill? I'd be interested in seeing your progress. In case you're still looking for one there are a couple of the PS8415 transformers on ebay now.
Stancor PS-8415 Power Transformer 117v pri 125/6.3V - eBay (item 400194249323 end time Mar-11-11 14:25:50 PST)
STANCOR PS-8415 POWER TRANSFORMER NOS - eBay (item 250784087560 end time Mar-13-11 17:00:40 PDT)
Stancor PS-8415 Power Transformer 117v pri 125/6.3V - eBay (item 400194249323 end time Mar-11-11 14:25:50 PST)
STANCOR PS-8415 POWER TRANSFORMER NOS - eBay (item 250784087560 end time Mar-13-11 17:00:40 PDT)
I just realized you sent me this message.
School started before I could get anywhere. I managed to drill a chassis. I messed with some SS designs because they were easier and less deadly!
I am buying a house and when I get settled this preamp will be my summer project.
I have decided to go with the power supply kit from STF electronics because I like the idea of being able to use one supply on several different projects. I belive it will be more cost effective in the long run!
Thanks for the interest. I will post something when I have more to show.
School started before I could get anywhere. I managed to drill a chassis. I messed with some SS designs because they were easier and less deadly!
I am buying a house and when I get settled this preamp will be my summer project.
I have decided to go with the power supply kit from STF electronics because I like the idea of being able to use one supply on several different projects. I belive it will be more cost effective in the long run!
Thanks for the interest. I will post something when I have more to show.
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