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1 pair 6CG7 + 2 pair 6H30 tubes

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I purchased these tubes for a project that I've since abandoned and sold all of the other parts for. Alll sets were purchased as matched pairs. The 6CG7's are NOS (or were at least purchased as such) and have only been tested. Both pairs of 6H30s are new, unused and came from Partsconnexion.

Sylvania 6CG7


Going rate from tube dealers seems to be $15 to $20 per tube with matched pairs going for $35 and up (plus shipping). I'd like to get $25 shipped for the pair.

Sovtek 6H30Pi

Price new was $38 plus shipping, I'd like to get $25 shipped.

Electro Harmonix 6H30Pi GOLD

Price new was $51 plus shipping, I'd like to get $40 shipped for the pair.

Please contact me via email or PM with offers or questions. I will consider cutting someone a deal if they order multiple pairs.

Thanks for looking,

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