Ting Labs Voltage Monitoring

My house insurance carrier has offered me a free power monitoring service including $1000.00 damage coverage due to electrical faults.

The service is provided by Ting Labs .

I get a weekly event summary, daily graphs of voltage variations as seen by the monitoring service.

Does anyone else have this?

Thoughts on it?


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Mine offered that a couple years ago, it was advertised to alert on possible arcing that could lead to a fire. What I didn't like at the time is I had to agree to let it send information back to them on all items on my network. That didn't make any sense as something they'd need to collect.
I also didn't see what the cancellation procedure on it was. Since the insurance company was paying for it, could i just unplug it or what?

It seemed like a better solution would be to change the circuit breakers to arc fault ones. But even then I was told by someone in the industry that house fires starting from arcs like that are so rare that they number lower than the ones that people purposely start themselves.
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According to the instructions on their site, the app asks for the network and authorization to connect to it:
"During the installation process you’ll be asked to select a Wi-Fi network from a list of detected networks, and to authenticate to that network if it is secure (aka, encrypted; see below for a note on secure networks). This one-time process of authentication is no different from allowing a new phone, tablet, laptop, or other devices to join your network."

I don't find anything on their site about gathering information about items on the network so they may have updated their privacy policy. It is tempting to try it. I may contact my insurance company and see what would be involved in cancelling it if I decided I didn't want it.
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