Switch from 240v to 220v pre amp

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I have a preamp that is set currently on 240v and noy on 220v as I want it to be and should be as 220v was intended for our country at this time. I own a 220v 50hz power stable unit.

Visionneuse images - Noelshack - https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2019/12/3/1553053083-20190314-100418.jpg

Visionneuse images - Noelshack - https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2019/12/3/1553053117-20190314-100808.jpg

I can't pull the little jumper that set the voltage. Do I actually need to disolder it or try some other aproach?

It is for a jvc mcp 105/5110.

Regards and thanks.
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You should not have to unsolder any wire but you may need pliers to pull the voltage selector block ... but if the voltage selector block is damaged then you must go to the next level and unsoldering wires to change taps..... but be very carefull with this one there is no marging for mistakes ...
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