Spooky advertising

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Joined 2009
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I was just talking to a colleague about LED lighting fixtures while sitting in front of a computer.
30 minutes later, I see an ad for those very LED lights on the same computer. Have not seen this ad for months.

It is not the first time it's happened. I frequently wipe cookies and history, seriously contemplating to up my security game. I do not like this.


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Joined 2003
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I have long suspected they listen in.

I’m no conspiracy theorist but think about the advertising potential of identifying key words and then targeting the device with focus ads?

I also had the same experience. Best one is snoring. Wake up to snoring remedy ads.

I’ve never been a member of F-book and never will, but the others are also doing it.
More importantly is what not to say in front of your now bugged computer! I was searching for foam loudspeaker driver surrounds and used a word in the search that got me advertisements for items using that word and totally unrelated. Not good advertisements to appear on a business computer! (Or really any...)
Facebook app, Apple Siri, Google Assistant and probably many more listen in on your conversations. They all are NSA creations.
Also the amount of tracking your phone does will dazzle you...... even without a simcard installed it collects much data and sends it whenever a wifi connection is made.

Where does all the data usage come from? You even pay for the data connection to spy on you.
Think about the track my phone software, or wipe my phone from a distance software, what if those capabilities are used against you?
Joined 2009
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I already have an email account at tutanota.de will have to switch over for everything important.
Getting a VPN solution would be the next step, but which one is useable?
Other than that using browser windows with all history/cookies set to wipe on close should be enough methinks.

On my mobile I use ONLY duckduckgo browser and then wiping everything is only two "clicks" away, I wipe everything several times/day. But the biggest issue IMO is Android itself.
Joined 2016
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Never had an experience like that. But then cortana is removed from my M$ machines...
Adblock covers web ads. I just wish there was a spam filter that worked - but having said that, it takes milliseconds of brain time to id and delete the crud. That would be my new Turing test - show me an AI that can spot crudmail 100%....
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Joined 2014
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Yeah believe everything you read in the newspapers. Don't forget your tinfoil hat subscription!

Govt agencies are just not up to the level of spying claimed. Unless you think they screw up major projects and can't get your tax return right just to deflect you from the truth?
Joined 2004
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Facebook listens, pretty sure Google does, too. I've gotten ads within 3 hours related to things I've said, but never searched for or mentioned online. It's happened least 6 times that I can remember. Both companies deny it, researchers are never able to verify it, but some coincidences are just too big to be believed.
Joined 2004
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I spend a lot of time on Facebook because it helps me keep in touch with friends and family scattered across the globe. Yeah, I know I should be a grumpy curmudgeon like the other old farts here - but I can't. FB has great value for me. It has taken a lot of tweaking to get it to my liking, but that's true of audio, too. :D
Joined 2003
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They scanned my emails and sent targeted adds using private medical information, F'd book indeed.

1984 . . . George Orwell foresaw the future 100%. Took a few decades longer than he predicted, but the intrusions are far more complete now than he ever envisaged.

Governments will do nothing about it. The status quo suits them.

You cannot really take this discussion to where it needs to go without getting into politics (and I am sick and tired of that anyway) but big business has got everyone by the S 'n C's.

Welcome to the future: 100% surveillance and we, the product, are paying for it.
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