Lavoce 12" Fullrange


most of the joints fit really well, but on one speaker i had real trouble with the miter biscuit joints, so i took much longer as i wanted until i managed to pressed it all in place,.... there is no gab visible , but it didn't press the glue out of the gap as it should ... i put acrylic sealant from inside to all the joints just for air tightness safety.

looks almost like a speaker


greetings Jonas
The glue is hard and i sanded the cabinets with P150 by hand. I removed most glue wile it was still fresh, on some places glue stayed and soaket into the wood , this looks not nice now, i hope after the finishing paint layers it will be invisible.

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first session to program the DSP with the mic and laptop yesterday, but ..... ⛈️
before we could make any sens of our measurements, its started raining, so we needed to stop:cautious:

is there a guideline how to do this? I have someone here who did that before,
but to understand fully whats happening i would like to read a beginners guide about frequency. transition, phase, delay etc. i am quit new to this.
any suggestion where to start ?

greetings Jonas