
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: 83 years...

dfdye said:
Woopsie, I can't spell. He is


There is no way I will even attempt to get into a warming debate online, but I will mock those who advocate anti-science, even if they wrap it up in a nice package. Remember, a flaming brown paper bag of dog poo smells no worse than a nicely packaged, gift wrapped box of dog poo.


Well..what's the fun of that!!! Mindless pontification, posturing, and idle speculation are fundamental to misinterpreting all manner of topics irrelevant to anything of interest...:D

what a party pooper...:Popworm:
"Well..what's the fun of that!!! Mindless pontification, posturing, and idle speculation are fundamental to misinterpreting all manner of topics irrelevant to anything of interest..."

It must be fun to some. We have a late night TV program based just on that. It's called Question Time. Comes from a large building in Canberra.
" . . while being said with a British accent and waiving like the Queen. That's the only way it would make any sense."

Does that imply that you think only the British could acknowledge a previously unknown dimension?

Cal, how's that foot? Hope it leads to another project, and not a relocation.

Edit: Sonusthree, down the road for complaints, this is abuse.
Geoff H said:
" . . while being said with a British accent and waiving like the Queen. That's the only way it would make any sense."

Does that imply that you think only the British could acknowledge a previously unknown dimension?
Quite the observation, but I was more referring to the nice way she says "Helloo!!!!!" (Especially as imitated by Jon Stewart, but that is a different train of thought all together. . . )

While we are off the subject, the only dimensions that matter are the growing ones around my waistline, so there!

Also, the has a rather interesting crossword puzzle with clues written by Bill Clinton. Whether you are a political fan of his or not, you have to admit that is pretty cool for an ex-prez to be enough of a master of the English language to be able to pull that little doozie off.

[disclaimer] This is in NO WAY intended as a political post, only a comment on the intersection between a ex-politico and Will Short. Besides, if you are so inclined, you can make your own political/linguistic leaps without my help. :D [\disclaimer]
dfdye said:
Whether you are a political fan of his or not, you have to admit that is pretty cool for an ex-prez to be enough of a master of the English language to be able to pull that little doozie off.

Indeed, no phrases such as "put food on your family" or "Too many OB/GYNs aren't able to practice their love with women all across the country".

Ditto in the disclaimer above.
"While we are off the subject, the only dimensions that matter are the growing ones around my waistline, so there!"

I had that problem for a while. Walking is a great way to start. It also clears the mind, allowing proper thought process. Then I worked out why I was not eating correctly.

Shed about 6" round the middle, a heap of tension, and two free-loaders. Life's good, now.

In the interests of fellow members, I shall abstain from political comment - hang on, that is a comment.
Geoff H said:
I had that problem for a while. Walking is a great way to start. It also clears the mind, allowing proper thought process. Then I worked out why I was not eating correctly.
I agree 100%, but unfortunately my schedule dictates eating out WAY too often. I have gotten better about picking and choosing WHAT I eat while out, but the schedule is incondusive to my previously scheduled tennis league. I guess I will have to get back on that.

Hopefully my wife won't have to resort to this .