UFOs, Black Projects, Shadow Goverments ETC.

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Joined 2010
I think therefore I am?

WE some times forget we are part of the universe...so is the universe self aware? Yes because we are part of it?

We tend to think of ourselves as being individuals..could that be said of blood cells in a body?

Its interesting that we make a "human understanding" of the universe based upon our senses<<this includes new senses we design (sensors)..however how much does thought input into the universe?

ie I think because I can...In the sleep state we have a different world that also may seem real at the time..only because we wake up can we compare what is real<<<however is a dream real? It is in the sleep dimension where laws of universe (cannot be broken)..

I must add that I know an alsatian dog can see what I cannot..
That statement is very difficult to justify..non the less it is true and not based upon faith.

M. Gregg
Ralph Ring is a brilliant innovative technician who as a young man in the late 1950s and early 1960s worked closely with Otis T. Carr. With the aid of his small team, Carr, who was himself a protegé of the great inventor Nikola Tesla, built a number of flying disks, which worked.... prior to their experimentation being forcibly terminated by government agents.

In a dramatic experiment, Ring co-piloted a 45 foot disk a distance of ten miles, arriving at their destination instantaneously. Ring, now aged 71, tells his story –the first time it has been reported.

Project Camelot | Ralph Ring and Otis Carr

Ralph Ring ~ Ether Technology - YouTube
How much,

Does the collective consiousness of the universe know?
Is it also looking for an answer?

M. Gregg

Yes, and AFAIK it knows no more than we do, because we are it. Are we looking for an answer? How would we know? Should we care?

We tend to assume that we know all about social consciousness, and so perhaps we did. I get the feeling we have fallen several steps behind. The better we get at predicting the behaviour of society, the more we enable it to accelerate beyond our immediate understanding. Yet appears to be acting in an intelligent manner...at least we assume so.

It also appears these days to generate knowledge that we know about, but can't understand.

The relationship between an organic entity and its parts...including what you call the "life force", has been a focus of attention for the whole of history. Lots of stories have been told, in myth and legend, philosophy, anthropology, social science and economics. Together, the stories make a single saga. Who wrote the plot?

I make audio equipment so I can listen to this stuff but I don't know why. Nobody seems to know what music is for. It's obviously the product of some intelligence. Maybe aliens brought it, but more likely it was us.

There is an underlying theme that many philosophers have drawn attention to: what Russell called "the problem of opposites". Pairs of opposites have been depicted to be a central theme of knowledge, throughout time. For some materialists, this translates to the notion that all the dynamics of the material world are related to the resolution of opposition. All is driven by the "holy trinity": thesis, antithesis, and synthesis. The third is more than the sum of the other two, and that "more" is the "life force"...what the idealist Hegel, and the materialist Engels, called the "dielectic".

Then society began suppressing philosophy again, and more recently sociology, as if it it's trying to pull a fast one when we're not looking. Society and the individual are opposites, after all. When it comes to synthesis we have opposite views. All very well but not in my back yard.
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Joined 2010
Thinking about the idea of duality..
The duality of the forces sometimes expressed as Yin and Yang, which gives only a two dimensional image of a bigger reality..
light and dark, which is commonly mistaken for good and bad,
The idea of the good the bad and the ugly<<the combined effort (fight) to stay on the centre path.
The importance of “need” that tends to dominate the driving force, that can create the importance of an object or person..
The need to know?
The need to live?
The need to be together?
The need to understand?
The need to exist?
Without this driving force the pool stagnates and becomes cloying..evolution comes to a standstill.
It’s interesting that “struggle” is an essential part of life that generates evolution…and it’s also part of the physical universe in the formation of planets, suns and energy also the creation of life.
Here is the interesting point..
If we found the answer to everything where would the drive come from to evolve?
This may also apply to any form, that life might evolve into that does not have need?
Is the answer, that there cannot be “an answer” only that the answer is always the next question? (no matter where life is?)
From an alien point of view, what could be the need and the intent? Or the driving forces to become involved in the existence of the human race?

M. Gregg
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I think we are mixing philosophy with physics. There is quite an argument going on if time exists, or if it is just an invention of how we order things, totally decoupled from the universe. I have a hard time believing in no time as that would imply all outcomes from all probabilities have already occurred. This is what the physics are saying. Too much like a predeterministic world and that just rubs my humanistic ego the wrong way. Einstein suggested it be the fourth dimension. He was not always correct, but has a darn good track record. Good enough to make things go boom. I think of time as one dimensional space. Logical. Simple. Nature likes simple. Being one dimensional, there is no conflict with the grandfather paradox.

On the other hand, I have seen what to my account would be clairvoyance. Wife just had a dream, bought a lottery ticket and won quite a few bucks. I am happy about it, but the concept bothers me. She saw 911 the day before. I can't make sense of it, but have learned to respect it. Without all possible outcomes, this could not be possible. Distance viewing I can accept. If our universe in on a brain, and all points are connected, then we should have access to all points. How does that relate to quantum entanglement I wonder.
I think American science forgot that physics used to be a part of philosophy.

I too saw 911 before it happened, though I did not know what that means. I had a dream about airplanes that scared me in that dream so I woke up. I had no idea why they scared me, but they were scary.
And I also had a case when I won. I spent $159 Rands on flea market buying speakers for my car right before we went on totalizator. Going there with a company I thought that I don't want to play. But I thought if I would play I would use (4 random numbers) -- I don't know why I thought about that numbers. I put 3 of them only. Horses with exact numbers come first. I won $159 Rands!
If I put all 4 numbers I would get more than SAR10,000 because 4 horses with such numbers come one by one.

I later learned studying philosophy of ancient people that the key to access such things is like "Don't Care" attitude of absolutely cold observer.
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