John Curl's Blowtorch preamplifier part II

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Actually the Brit spelling, analogue. :)

Oh. Derp! I'd read the article, but didn't recall exactly how it was spelled. Just knew it wasn't "ANAL." :D

He seemed more concerned with digital's ability to "fake" things like being off key or out of step. Nothing here about bits and downloads.

Yeah, I know. Wasn't intending it to contribute anthing to brutal beating of that dead horse. Just posting it as the most "unfortunate Facebook crop" I'd ever seen.

Actually the Brit spelling, analogue. :) He seemed more concerned with digital's ability to "fake" things like being off key or out of step. Nothing here about bits and downloads.

Serendipity city!

Guess what I was just looking up, to make one of the students at my 'school' feel a tinnnnnnny biiiit better about studying Can instead of ..., er, Brit ...

British, Canadian and American Spelling

Just remember, B C A ...

British Canadian American

acknowledgement acknowledgement*, acknowledgment acknowledgment, acknowledgement
ageing, aging aging*, ageing* aging
aeroplane airplane airplane
aesthetics aesthetics aesthetics, esthetics
aluminium aluminum aluminum
among, amongst among*, amongst among
amortise amortize amortize
anaemia anemia anemia
anaesthesia anaesthesia*, anesthesia anesthesia
analogue analogue analogue, analog
analyse analyze*, analyse analyze
annex, annexe annex annex
apnoea apnea apnea
apologise*, apologize apologize apologize
archaeology archaeology*, archeology archaeology, archeology
armour armour*, armor armor
artefact artifact artifact
authorise*, authorize authorize authorize
axe axe ax, axe
balk*, baulk balk balk
banister*, bannister banister*, bannister banister
behaviour behaviour behavior
behove behoove behoove
blonde (for female) blonde*, blond* blond, blonde
B.Sc. B.Sc. B.S.
burette burette*, buret buret, burette
burnt, burned burned*, burnt* burned, burnt
bussed, bussing bused, busing bused, busing
Caesarean Caesarian*, Cesarean, Cesarian Cesarean, Caesarean
calibre calibre caliber
cancelled cancelled canceled, cancelled
candour candour candor
capitalise capitalize capitalize
carburettor carburetor*, carburettor carburetor
catalogue catalogue catalog(ue)
catalyse catalyze*, catalyse catalyze
centre centre center
cheque (noun, money) cheque check
chequered checkered checkered
chilli*, chili chili chili
cigarette cigarette cigarette, cigaret
clamour clamour clamor
collectable *, collectible collectible collectible
colour colour*, color color
connection*, connexion connection connection
convenor convenor convener
cosy cozy cozy
counsellor counsellor*, counselor counselor
criticise*, criticize criticize criticize
curb (verb) curb curb
customize, customise customize customize
demeanour demeanour demeanor
dependant (a person who relies on another person, especially for financial support) dependant dependent
defence defence*, defense defense
dialling, dialled dialing, dialed; dialling, dialled dialing, dialed
dialogue dialogue dialog(ue)
diarrhoea diarrhea diarrhea
dietician*, dietitian dietitian*, dietician dietitian*, dietician,
dispatch*, despatch dispatch dispatch
doughnut doughnut, donut donut, doughnut
Dr (A contracted form of a word, ending with the same letter as the full form, is not followed by a full stop). Dr. Dr.
draught (current of air) draft draft
dreamt, dreamed dreamt*, dreamed* dreamed, dreamt
emphasise emphasize emphasize
encyclopedia*, encyclopædia encyclopedia encyclopedia
endeavour endeavour endeavor
enquiry*, inquiry inquiry*, enquiry inquiry
enrol enrol enroll
favour favour favor
favourite favourite favorite
fibre fibre fiber
fibre optics fiber optics, fibre optics (used by the Canadian government only) fiber optics
finalize, finalise finalize finalize
flautist flutist*, flautist flutist
flavour flavour flavor
focused, focusing or focussed, focussing focused, focusing or focussed, focussing focused, focusing
foetus*, fetus fetus fetus
forever*, for ever forever forever
fuelling fuelling fueling
fulfil fulfil fulfill, fulfil
galvanise galvanize galvanize
gaol (old fashioned), jail* jail jail
gauge gauge gauge, gage
gemmology gemmology gemology
generalise generalize generalize
glamour glamour glamour, glamor
gonorrhoea gonorrhea gonorrhea
grey grey gray
gynaecology gynecology*, gynaecology gynecology
haemorrhage hemorrhage hemorrhage
harbour harbour harbor
harmonise*, harmonize harmonize harmonize
haulier hauler hauler
homeopathy*, homoeopathy homeopathy homeopathy
honour honour honor
humour humour humor
initialise initialize initialize
instalment instalment*, installment installment
jail*, gaol (old fashioned) jail jail
jewellery jewellery*, jewelry jewelry
judgment*, judgement judgment*, judgement judgment
kerb (noun) curb curb
kilometre kilometre kilometer
label, labelled, labelling label, labelled, labelling label, labeled, labeling
labour labour labor
lasagne lasagna lasagna
leant, leaned leaned leaned
learnt, learned learned*, learnt* learned
licence (noun) licence license
license (verb) license*, licence license
litre litre liter
lustre lustre luster
manoeuvre manoeuvre*, maneuver maneuver
marvellous marvellous marvelous
maximise*, maximize maximize maximize
meagre meagre meager
metre (unit of length) metre meter
modelled modelled modeled
modelling modelling modeling
mould mould mold
moustache moustache*, mustache mustache, moustache
mum, mummy mum, mummy*, mom, mommy mom, mommy
neighbour neighbour neighbor
net, nett (amount of money) net net
ochre ochre ocher
odour odour*, odor odor
oedema, edema edema edema
oesophagus*, esophagus esophagus esophagus
oestrogen*, estrogen estrogen estrogen
offence offence*, offense offense
omelette omelette*, omelet omelet, omelette
organisation*, organization organization organization
organise organize organize
optimise*, optimize optimize optimize
orientate orient orient
orientated oriented oriented
orthopaedic orthopaedic*, orthopedic orthopedic
pædiatrics pediatrics pediatrics
paedophile*, pedophile pedophile pedophile
paralyse paralyze*, paralyse paralyze
parlour parlour parlor
parallelling, parallelled paralleling, paralleled paralleling, paralleled
peddler*, pedlar peddler*, pedlar peddler
penalise, penalisation penalize, penalization penalize, penalization
pleaded pleaded pleaded, pled
plough plow*, plough plow
practise (verb) practise*, practice practice
practice (noun) practice practice
pretence pretense*, pretence pretense
programme (TV), program (computer) program*, programme program
pyjamas pyjamas pajamas
rancour rancour rancor
realise*, realize realize realize
recognise*, recognize recognize recognize
rigour rigour rigor
rumour rumour rumor
sabre sabre saber
saleable saleable saleable, salable
saviour saviour savior
savour savour savor
sceptical sceptical*, skeptical skeptical
signalling signalling signaling
skilful skilful*, skillful skillful, skilful
slipped disc slipped disc slipped disk
smelt, smelled smelled smelled
snorkelling snorkelling snorkeling
speciality specialty*, speciality specialty
standardise, standardisation standardize, standardization standardize, standardization
sulphur sulphur*, sulfur sulfur
theatre theatre theater
theatregoer theatregoer theatergoer
titbit tidbit tidbit
towards toward*, towards toward, towards (unusual)
travelling travelling traveling, travelling
tumour tumour tumor
tyre tire tire
valour valour valor
vapour vapour vapor
vice (the device) vice vise, vice
vigour vigour vigor
visualise*, visualize visualize visualize
wagon*, waggon wagon wagon
woollen woollen*, woolen woolen
yogurt*, yoghurt, yoghourt yogourt*, yoghurt, yogurt yogurt*, yoghurt, yoghourt


click-on (the pic), clicky!

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'Relax' was a 64-track fairlight CMI munge. 'boogie' in spades but you are talking 8-bit log DACs on the CMI. Can you really tell one of the sounds was the band jumping into a swimming pool?

Hi fidelity that track is not. Still enjoy spinning the 12" tho as links to a particular time in my teenage years.
What happens when the system reaches the necessary quality level is that all the "inner" sounds separate out and become fully identifiable, and consistent in their own spaces. One analogy is that the playback systems unmixes the final waveform and sends each sound track to a separate set of speakers in your listening space, dedicated to that particular sound component. So, yes, the band jumping into the swimming pool would be easy to pick, as that unique event. That is the result, subjectively, when the playback is good enough - you hear everything, and can easily shift your focus to one particular thing happening, and lock onto it if you choose to - the cocktail party thing ...

Very complex pop "orchestrations" unravel in that fashion, so something like 20 sound elements occurring at one particular moment will all be "seeable", each as an individual contribution. This is very satisfying to listen to, like indulging in a very complex and rich desert ...
Joined 2014
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So, yes, the band jumping into the swimming pool would be easy to pick, as that unique event. .

But my point is, after Trevor Horn and JJ had spent months ripping the original song apart and feeding it through the CMI it just sounds like white noise (hint its the sound after they shout 'hey'). I love the track but you can't use it as a measure of transparency or accuracy. But the 12" is a masterclass on how to build up a complex mix.

But hey what do I know. I use the 12" of motorheads killed by death on occasion as a test record :p
But my point is, after Trevor Horn and JJ had spent months ripping the original song apart and feeding it through the CMI it just sounds like white noise (hint its the sound after they shout 'hey'). I love the track but you can't use it as a measure of transparency or accuracy.
Yes, you can, ;). You're "measuring" the ability of the playback to resolve all the inner detail, without "losing it" at higher volume levels. If something just sounds like "white noise", then that's a fail - good reproduction means that at even room, or house filling volumes that all those subtle little "things" happening in the mix are still crystal clear - if the sounds blur or stew together in the listening then it's a marker that there's work to be done, the level of competence of the playback needs to be raised.
Hmmm ... I've just listened to one, clean, YouTube grab of that Relax track, from when I did it previously - there are duds on that site, the idiots posting it think they're clever, pushing it heavily into clipping, :rolleyes: - and even in the really mediocre sound of this laptop the quality shines through, the jump into the pool is clearly heard, sounds nice and watery, and also occurs a number of times earlier in the track ... hmmm ...
Joined 2014
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I like the cut of ur jib sir.

[I make up words all the time ... and can speak in a lang that only a 'select' few have the historicity an' veracity to follow ...]

As a fan of school for scandal as well as Edward Lear and Lewis Carroll I love a good malapropism of an evening.

And my desert island poem is this from EE cummings (can you tell my favourite English teacher was from across the pond). I hope poetry is allowed in the lounge?



ydoan o
yunnuhstand dem
yguduh ged

yunnuhstan dem doidee
yguduh ged riduh
ydoan o nudn



lidl yelluh bas
tuds weer goin

Joined 2014
Paid Member
And start with naught, the question is do you use lines through to disambiguate 1 from 7, 0 from O, etc. I have since a third grade nun (the one who always used naught instead of zero) taught me to.

11 years working with Finns where they draw '1' as I draw 7 means I always use the lines now. Comma vs decimal point still catches me out sometimes when reading hand written stuff from my continental co workers.
An Hong Kong Snob, Vinyl Collector and Analogue Music Activist: TAS List of LP

As I suspected, if he had 'relax' 'IOU' by Freez would be there as well. Another track from teenage discos...
Nice to see Yello there - amazing stuff on CD too; massive sound, distancing to forever ...

Yes, a real goody is
Yello & Shirley Bassey: The Rhythm DivineMercury 888-746-1
... spectacularly huge, reverb creating enormous soundstages, stretching vast distances from one's house ...
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