Plan request: A Traped horn to go from 35(ish)-120 w/RCF L18P200

tnx neo
in post 24 are the hr inputs of tobiazz moddel.
i recalculated it later because at the begining of the horn it opens a bit more.
it wil actually plays 1,5 herz lower according to the first sim..
i also moddeled it the "cubo" way,wich shows aprox the same response in the passband.
this type th works pretty good with this rcf driver.
@ richard
grey line is the rcf driver ,black is your woofer.
these inputs wil get you started.
note, i dont know the le value so thats just a gues.
also i dont know the x-max value so i can't model how much output it wil give .
Hi Richard,

Power compression are the losses of energy by:
1.) heat development (thermal power compression)
2.) mechanical losses (dynamic power compression)

That means the more power you are feeding the higher the losses become. Most PA drivers use to suffer from 3dB to 4.5dB power compression at Xmax. This means you need at least 2x the power to get there. These days the latest generation extended LF drivers suffer a little less from power compression (still more then 2.2dB at Xmax).
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