No-global-loop amplification

Here's the build so far!

Most resistors are Takman Metal Film and Vishay CPF2 and CPF3.

2019-10-11 00.37.49.jpg

I finished assembling both modules and started the initial fire up the amplifier (without magic smoke). I'm using a SMPS which outputs +/-39Vdc. Seems like I was getting 14Vdc offset and with max adjustment on R8, I can get to 1.4Vdc... Which is weird... Bias seems to rise properly though and voltage on emitter resistors seem to be all the same, or very close... What do you suggest I try? Is the voltage too low?

2019-10-12 10.55.58.jpg

2019-10-12 10.56.14.jpg

2019-10-12 13.54.39.jpg

I finished assembling both modules and started the initial fire up the amplifier (without magic smoke). I'm using a SMPS which outputs +/-39Vdc. Seems like I was getting 14Vdc offset and with max adjustment on R8, I can get to 1.4Vdc... Which is weird... Bias seems to rise properly though and voltage on emitter resistors seem to be all the same, or very close... What do you suggest I try? Is the voltage too low?


Hi Do,

The offset you see is rather high - do you see the same kind of offset in both channels?

Yes, same exact behavior. I double checked all transistors again to be in the proper places. When assembling I double check and triple check everything and measure before and after to ensure components are ok. Don't know what is wrong here...

I'll stop any more testing just in case... But no smoke and no components going too hot.


OK, I will look into it late in the evening.
I will ask you to measure some things and then we'll see.
For the beginning - can you please measure the voltage across 15V Zeners (1n4744).
