Most proper way to switch inputs?

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What is the most proper way to switch inputs keeping the best signal integrity and preventing leakage from one input to another?

- short unused inputs to ground (will this damage any source?)
- disconnect both signal and ground from unused input (this seems the best solution to me)
- leave ground on all inputs connected, switch signal only (probably will have leakage)
- leave ground on all inputs connected but 10 ohm resistor from each to ground, switch signal only

appreciate any comments!
I think the leakage you refer to (crosstalk) is mostly due to capacitance between the lines/switches.
Using a double pole relay with large gap across the open contacts to each input AND a double throw to connect both these to a separate ground could reduce the capacitance to adjacent inputs.
I would keep the used input ground as a dedicated wanted signal ground. The grounded inputs and returns could all be shorted to a common unused signal ground that separately goes to the main audio ground.

This may be an over the top solution, because most competently designed line inputs can achieve >=-80db separation without this complexity.

You will need to check each source to find if it is suitable for muting by grounding/shorting the signal line.
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