OP2134 model for LTspice?

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You must search for OPA2134, not OP2134
This is an excerpt of my default lib. IIRC it comes directly from the TI web site.
The original name was probably 2134.
.include this text, place opamp2 in ltspice and rename it to opa134

* GHF: renamed to opa134, the model consists of 1 op amp only, after all
** Released by: Analog eLab Design Center, Texas Instruments Inc.
* Part: OPA134
* Date: 31MAY2011
* Model Type: ALL IN ONE
* Simulator: PSPICE
* Simulator Version: 16.0.0.p001
* EVM Order Number: N/A
* EVM Users Guide: N/A
* Datasheet: SBOS058
* Model Version: 1.0

* | | | | OUTPUT
* | | | | |
* PIN CONFIG FOR OPA134 :1 2 3 4 5
.SUBCKT OPA134 1 2 3 4 5
C1 11 12 3.240E-12
C2 6 7 8.000E-12
CSS 10 99 1.000E-30
DC 5 53 DX
DE 54 5 DX
DLP 90 91 DX
DLN 92 90 DX
DP 4 3 DX
EGND 99 0 POLY(2) (3,0) (4,0) 0 .5 .5
FB 7 99 POLY(5) VB VC VE VLP VLN 0 248.0E6 -250E6 250E6 250E6 -250E6
GA 6 0 11 12 402.0E-6
GCM 0 6 10 99 4.020E-9
ISS 3 10 DC 160.0E-6
HLIM 90 0 VLIM 1E3
J1 11 2 10 JX
J2 12 1 10 JX
R2 6 9 100.0E3
RD1 4 11 2.490E3
RD2 4 12 2.490E3
RO1 8 5 20
RO2 7 99 20
RP 3 4 7.500E3
RSS 10 99 1.250E6
VB 9 0 DC 0
VC 3 53 DC 1.200
VE 54 4 DC .9
VLIM 7 8 DC 0
VLP 91 0 DC 40
VLN 0 92 DC 40
.MODEL DX D(IS=800.0E-18)
.MODEL JX PJF(IS=2.500E-15 BETA=1.010E-3 VTO=-1)
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