diyAudio Wallpapers 1024x768 Your Creation!

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diyAudio Wallpapers 1024x768 Your Creation!

There are many beautiful Audio Pictures.
At least they are beautiful to us that are into DIY Audio constructions.

If you have any nice creations, that would fit as Wallpaper:
Please link to or post your image here.


These 2 first Wallpapers, I created today.
I arranged and photographed with my Digital Nikon camera.
In my little 'photo studio' with good lighting
.. special lamps for photo without Flash light.

Wallpaper Image 1.
There are small good things we never discuss here.
This M3 female, 3mm complement to screw, is one such faithful little one.

In my language we call this a mutter.
I am quite sure this same word as the German word
mutter = mother


:cool: :cool: :cool:
An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

M3 MUTTER - Wallpaper 1024x768
We call this as a female too....because of obvious reason

But here the name of this is very different...not bolts and nuts...this is called "porca"...and this means the female pig, hehe, i do not know the reason....or...maybe i can imagine what the pig has to match that form..hehe

And the screw...bolts maybe...we call here "parafuso"....something that means that goes together some fuse...fusiform things have that external helical shape.

Sorry to say that there are two best world and me...hehe

BTW...change the 1.5 batteries from your old it deleted the FTP....i cannot enter...recharge that thing man!...some bolts and nuts are out of the correct place there.


This is my

Wallpaper #2

I call it
... you know 2 guys and one woman .. and some jealousy and complications

My research in the english language
shows that it may be called:
Domestic Triangle

anyway, it is a drama
.. who??? will be the lucky one to enter mutter (motter, mother, female)
i think I can make a good guess
... but I will not tell
.. if will be the big guy
or maybe the normal sized man ;)

Wallpaper 1024x768
original photo 2007-02-20
by lineup

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

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