Punkrokr, here's one for you.

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I was thinking about that project from a few months back and decided to put together something like this.

Dual 15's, a 6.5 and a horn. All from leftovers. You could make this for about $500Cdn. as it stands.


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pinkmouse said:
Nice one Cal! So that's what you were up to whilst the forum was down.


That hole in the back looks ideal for storing those Spice Girls CDs you don't want on public show. ;) [/B]

In my part of the world they use places like that to store another kind of spice

Cameron Glendin said:
interested yet Punk?:D

Cameron, you've given me an idea.

TerryO said:
How about some details.

Terry, I thought you'd never ask.

Woofers are Pyramid small magnet poly cones that used to park themselves in the big A4 cabinets until I realized that when we were having a bit of fun with them, they were coming to a halt a bit early due to topping out. Yes, that's topping out. Hmmm. Need some accordian surrounds. OK, get those and pull the old girls. Put on shelf.

Go down to the basement and blow the dust off a couple of mid/high boxes that haven't seen the sun in a bit. It's a Gefco midbass and a Pyle tweeter. Pull the drivers and get to work.

Two sheets of plywood later including the mysterious open back on the mid portion in an otherwise sealed box and I was on my way to a little neighbourhood party yesterday. You see around here you don't get to see the neighbours much and this is an excellent time to say hi. Well, I can't be certain they're saying hi but with all the arm waving and all, that's what I'm guessing.

XO is a collection of some of my favourite components: Chokes, caps and these funny little white things that when you hook them up, you hear less. I found them very helpful on the tweeter. XO is at 500 and 3K. A nice combination of 6 and 12 dB just to add to the fun. Not to mention the gap I left between the woof and the mid to act as a "gap notch" filter. Works like a charm. Saves on buying the actual components you need. Cleans up the lousy part of the woofers response and gives the poor little mids a fighting chance if I ever decide to hook these puppies up to an amp that might not be so nice to them.

They're 4 feet high which happens to correspond very nicely with the height I like to have my beer mug.

Speaking of which, all this typing has made me thirsty.
Joined 2004
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Hi Dave,

It is lined with, well, um, er, spice.

Actually I have just thrown a pizza tweet on the back in the hole so I now have an omnidirectional party speaker. You can love it both front and back
They just happened to be the Motorola's that showed up on my workbench after one of your visits. :)

I know what you mean about the TL effect but I managed to make the mid cabinet 7.5" ID square and 18" deep so it's not that bad. It does sound a bit tubey but much better than closed. Ever since you gave me the nudge to try the open back on the little Jimmies, I have trouble putting a mid in a closed box. That's what that's all about. Unfortunately, I couldn't make it any larger or the box would have to be higher than 48" and that wouldn't work with the plywood.

I can't remember the last time I had this much fun just fooling around. Thanks for all your inspirations.
Quoting Cal
"Unfortunately, I couldn't make it any larger or the box would have to be higher than 48" and that wouldn't work with the plywood"

And the beer would be out of reach.

I'm surprised you didn't stick the mid in a horn. But then there would be nowhere for the spice.

But it is good when you can create useful things out of left overs.

Hi Geoff,

I think that's what made it so fun. Not having to buy anything but the wood is like getting them for free. 25 hours in total including the XO and L-pads. It's almost like cheating.

The mid is surprisingly sensitive and requires no help. I thought about a four sided horn but decided against it if that meant I would have to use more than 2 sheets of ply. I had already used up the trimmings as inside corner blocking.

Now, after this little speaker vacation, I can go back to working on the A7 cabinets, which are becoming more like work than play. Will pick that up in the Altec thread.
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