Altec 1805B horn design ! Pls help

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Official Court Jester
Joined 2003
Paid Member
bananatuan said:
Dear all !
I purchase a pair of Altec 288K driver from ebay. For the time being, I wonder to buil a horn 1805B but what a pity that I haven't got its design. :smash:
Pls send a drawing of 1805B horn to me via email :
Thanks much !!!

if you find these plans,send them to me,too.............

on second thought.......send 288Ks, too............



Joined 2003

Good luck with this, AFAIK Altec's copies were either locked away or destroyed when EV took over and if JBL still has the originals they're not willing to share AFAIK. Micheal Christ made some out of wood, though someone mentioned he 'cheated' by making all the cells identical, so presumably he made plans, but I imagine they won't come cheap, assuming he'll even sell them. Regardless, these require either some serious wood or metal fabrication, so by the time you got them up to par performance wise (assuming you don't give up), you'll wish you had just bought the 'real McCoy'.

Anyway, if you want to experiment a bit with DIYing multi-cells, the smaller 805 expo flare cell's basic specs are:

L = 16"
St = 0.75" square
Sm = 6.375" square

Have fun!

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