Lepai T-Amp with TA2020

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While searching eBay for parts to mod my SI T-Amp, I came across a little gem. The shop where I bought an Alps volume pot was selling a few Chinese built Class T amps. An email to the owner revealed that they use TA2020. I posted the link to the eBay shop in a few current threads here to see if anyone had seen this amp before - but it was unknown.

Anyway - another member bought two of them and I bought the last one. It arrived yeaterday and has been running for almost 24hrs. The sound is very good - better than my stock SI T-amp. This one has good bass and a more controlled treble. I thought initially that it didn't have the sparkle of the SI - but with a change of CD player it now sounds great.

The case is made of aluminium, it has a separate power switch, volume and tone controls(pity) and RCA input connectors. The speaker terminals are similar to those on the SI - maybe even worse. There is a red Led to indicate when power is present and a blue LED to show peak volume - sort of an indication when it is clipping. Avoid the blue light and it sounds good.

The best thing about this amp is that it sounds good out of the box - without mods.........and it only cost US$20.

Hopefully the member who bought the other two will come along and tell you what is inside.

I have asked the supplier if he can get more of these amps. If he can, or if you see one elsewhere - I would suggest that you buy it without hesitating. Better built, better sound and better price than an SI T-Amp.....how good can it get???


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I have the other 2. :D

This is about the junkiest built T-Amp I've seen. And the only one with all thru hole components. Real cheap Chinese stuff. The insides are like a bad trip back to the 70s.

But it does sound pretty good! Surprise, surprise.

The amp I've been listening to seems to have a bad power cap or 2, but you know me - I'll replace them anyway.

So for $20, a fun deal!
Lepai Super T-Amp

motherone said:
I'd be interested in one as well!

Send me a PM and I'll put you in touch with the supplier.

I've pretty much decided how mine is goint to look. Once Panomaniac has worked out the best mods for us....I'll remove it from it original case, use an Alps pot, some Obligatto input caps and one of the SMPS I showed earlier. Then I'll put it all into one of these nice enclosures which is big enouh to hold everything including some big PS caps:


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panomaniac said:
Nice case! Looks like it's built by the same guys who make my Octopus Amps cases.

Can you provide a link to some info on the Octopus Amps?
I'd really like to have a look........

OK- I found it here.
Octopus Amps
Very nice - and that case I'm looking at is quite similar indeed - but I think it is a bit bigger than yours (18cm x 30cm).


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Fin said:

Hahaha! Can't wait to see what you come up with...........

I'll email you with the details.....check in a few moments.

Sweet. I've got a shipment of surplus military panel meters in the mail, and a fancy-pants rotary switch just begging to be used.

(I wonder if 12 sets of inputs on the input selector is enough?)

At this price, it might make sense to use these for building "active" speakers - just stick one in each speaker, and you're done!

As a side bonus....they cost less than most crossover components!
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