Opinions on soldering irons/stations?

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Ok, time to get some new soldering equipment and I would like
to hear your opinions/experiences. Unfortunately there seems
not to be that much to choose from here in Sweden. It is
basically a choice between Weller and Velleman, with a few
odd pieces of other brands. I find most Weller tools too
expensive for my purposes - I don't solder that much and that
often. So do any of you have experiences with the Velleman
soldering tools?

Soldering stations are nice, but how useful is temperature
control in practice? We can be sure not to overheat the
components, but if we don't use longer time than necessary
then the components will not have time to get too hot i think.

What about power? For a temperature controlled station I
guess it won't hurt to have much power, since we limit the
temperature, but what about non-TC irons? Is it better to have
low power (15 - 20W) or high power (50W)? This seems not
obvious, since a high-power iron does the job quicker with less
time for the component to get hot.

Are ceramic heaters better?

I want the ability to ocassionally solder SMT components, so I
guess I need a tool where sub-millimeter tips are available, so
some of the tools I am considering are:

- Velleman VTSS-20 soldering station 48W TC
- Velleman VTSSC-20 soldering iron 20W non-TC
- Weller SPI-16 soldering iron 15W non-TC

There are also some British-made irons called TCS which I know
very little about, but which seem interesting. One is a 50W iron
with adjustable temperature (looks like a trimpot in the handle,
so it is probably awkward), the other two are 18W and 25W.
My guess is that the hierarchy is probably:

The rest

I ended up with a Weller and I am extremely pleased with it -- heats in 10 seconds, really really good and ergonomic, easy to change bits while hot etc. However, I do not yet do much SMT.

Retired diyAudio Moderator
Joined 2002
I bought the Weller WTCPT soldering iron. It does very well in maintaining a constant tip temperature (you can buy 600, 700 or 800 degree tips for it). It has a closed loop method of keeping it within a couple of degrees of the maximum temperature. I got it for a little under $60 when the radioshack store here was closing.

It is also the one that my school uses for all of their labs.

Retired diyAudio Moderator
Joined 2002



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Good choice. I have the old WS50 (I think that's the name) and I am quite pleased with it.

You could always have checked the Elfa sale last month where they sold the other brand they stock at less than half price. Would have made a good second iron...


PS. Everybody likes being told about good deals they missed, not...
Retired diyAudio Moderator
Joined 2002
I have been using it about 9 months with no problems. I actually left it on for 3 days straight by accident (left it on and left for a long weekend). I now refuse to use other irons. I had to use a radioshack one at work, and I forgot how well the wtcpt kept a good temperature, so I went home and got my wtcpt for the project that I am working on here.

Seems like an overwhelming praise of Weller. Yes, they are very
good from a quality point of view, although not everybody seems
to agree judging from earlier threads. The problem is that
Weller stations are very expensive in Sweden, from about
$200 and upwards, and then you only get mechanical TC unless
you throw in another $100. I am not willing to pay that much so
i am looking for cheaper alternatives. For around $100 I can
get even the most expensive Velleman station, I can get
swedish-made stations, Stannol stations etc. The question is
whether a soldering station is really that much better than a
decent soldering pen. If I were to use it professionally or
for really hardcore DIY, then a Weller might be worth the price,
but not for my purposes. I'd rather use the extra money on
better components for an amplifier or so.

Is there nobody who have tried the Velleman tools? They seem
to be sold everywhere nowadays and there are a lot of models
to choose from.
diyAudio Senior Member
Joined 2002


Is there nobody who have tried the Velleman tools?

Strange,Velleman is a belgian company and other than their kits I've never seen any soldering stations made by them here.

I'm using Wellers for about twenty years and even for the oldest model I can still find replacement tips without problems.
That and their reliability were my main reasons for choosing that manufacturer.

Personally I dislike wellers. They get too hot at the grip for me. But their quality and spare part service is excellent. And you can find them anywhere.

Had an ersa once that I liked a lot, but the points tend to go rather quick. Also harder to find and spares are quite expensive (this is relative, but I compare to original price and comparable products). Still have it somewhere....

Now I use a jbc at home. Spanish I think. Kind of iron with a pot in the handle to set temp. Quick heated and plenty spare power to heat larger stuff (it uses 20w always and has 20Wspare for quick heating). Reasonable priced for hobby use and easier to find than ersa (around here, YMMV).

Stannol is quite a name in solder, did not know they made soldering irons.

Something like 20-40W is a good allrounder. Temperature setting is fine, but I still have to find someone who uses it. Most of the stations I know of are rusted in one position. This is more an issue on de-soldering stations. I would go for something that can easily found and where you can get spare parts for. Especially that last bit is important, you will need different points and spare points.
diyAudio Senior Member
Joined 2002


My very first iron was an ERSA but just as Havoc said,I found the soldering bits rather prone to pitting and I had to junk it because a couple of years after purchase I couldn't find a compatible bit.

The Weller range has some irons with a sensor that would actually give extra power if it "senses" heavier metal parts.
I love to use it for everyday use since it works admirably and does not cost an arm and a leg.
Never had the feeling the handle got too hot with a Weller but I'ven't tried them all of course.


Weller WSD-130

Christer and all,

I once bought this $$$ thing in an attack of inner urge to waste money.
And, having it now, i would repeat that goof anytime again. It fires up two soldering pencils, one having 25W and one having 80W.
It has digital temperature regulation with 1°C resolution for both irons. And as far as i cold observe with the teflon tubing mentioned below, it keeps that precision within tight tolerances.

I use the 25W only for tasks where too much heat embossing can destroy the target, e.g for certain SMT tasks and for soldering leads to phono cartridges.
I use the 80W pencil for everything else including making terminating beads or trumpet funnels on teflon tubing (for that i have a selfmade tip). This pencil is as easy to hold as a fountain pen. Nevertheless it embosses its 80W on the target if needed ; it is considerably stronger than the Weller WCTP-S Magnastat 50W i had before.
It is a perfect tool.

Temperature control: once you had it, you won't want to miss it. I use 380°C for desoldering, 300-340°C for soldering depending on the solder sort i am using; for low-melting silver solder lke WBT i go even down to 270 or 250 °C, depending on my patience that day :)

Before i forget it, use of copper-filled anti seizing silicon grease is truly recommended. Other the tips may seize and you have to wait for cooling down until you can change the tips using brute force.
Station is well worth the $$$...

Hi Christer,

I used a "standard" weller iron for years. Several years ago I purchased a Metcal soldering station and a desoldering station at the same time...

The result was my saying to myself "why didn't I do this years ago???" I can absolutely tell you that a good station is well worth the money!!! You will never regret the purchase!

As far as desoldering goes, my station has a built-in vacuum pump. I can remove just about anything within seconds and without damage. The same unit also allows surface mount work by blowing hot air from the pump...

I don't know if Metcal stuff is available in your location but they manufacture top quality equipment for industry here in America.

I would suggest that you find a station that has adjustable temperature with feedback control and parts that are easy to find locally. I do know that Weller also makes good stations as I used to see them used at Boeing. Also, make sure the iron (and handle) are grounded for use with ESD sensitive parts...

Good luck!!!

Best to you,

fdegrove said:

Strange,Velleman is a belgian company and other than their kits I've never seen any soldering stations made by them here.


You probably haven't seen their multimeters either then? They
are also sold a lot here. Take a look at Vellemans web site
and search for "solder" and "DVM". You're in for a surprise I
would guess. Quite a lot to choose from. Don't know what the
quality is of their stuff is, though.

Maybe they have been known for a long time for crappy kits
in Belgium so their reputation is too low to sell tools and meters
on the home market? :) I only knew about their kits too, until
recently, so I don't know what to think of them.
Bernhard, Steve and others,

thanks for encouraging me to buy a Weller station or similar, I
know you mean well, even if not to my wallet. :) Of course I
could take the expense of bying a Weller, but can I really
motivate the cost? No, not for the moment. Sure it would be
nice, but so would a scope with higher bandwidth, so would a
spectrum analyzer etc. etc. I once learnt a good piece of advice
from a friend of mine who has spent some 20 - 25 years more
than me on this planet. "It is not good income that makes you
rich, but small expenses." Money is always about priorities.
Which has the most effect on the sound of an amplifier, spending
an extra $100 on better components or $100 on a better
soldering tool? OK, OK , it probably won't be five minutes before
somebody tells me that he/she can hear if an amplifier is
soldered with a Weller or not. :)

By the way, I have used Weller stations when I worked with
electronic design many years ago, but I can't say I really
noticed much difference in using them compared to other
soldering pens. These were non-TC stations, though.
I just have to put in my plug for Hakko. I've owned various irons over the years (mainly Weller), and I currently use a Hakko 936 temperature controlled station at work and at home. I love it to death! Japanese quality, with a slim ergonomic and cool handle that feels good to work with. The temperature control is great, and there are lots of tip styles available. The best thing is, it's affordable (well, relatively speaking...) The only other iron I enjoy using as much is the Metcal, but it doesn't have variable temperature. If you ask me, the Hakko station is a better value than comparable Weller products, and is better built.

If there's one thing that will make an immediate and substantial improvement in your projects, it's a good soldering iron with the right tip on it. My old 60W pencil iron could never accomplish what I can do now. Oh, and another important thing is to keep the tip wiped clean on a moist sponge. Crud buildup can cripple the effectiveness of any iron.

The Hakko 936
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