LM3875 with snubberized PS on the same PCB ???

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I plan building a power amp using LM3875 for my OPA3124 pre (ESP88). I wonder if

1). Can the LM3875 and big PS (10,000+1500FC+0.1 per rail) be in the same board? ( One tranny 24-0-24 240VA per channel)

2). Will it hurt from the current ripple can cause hum or ground problem?

3). Will having 1 Ohm res between the main ground and the signal ground help?

4) Will having 0.1 Ohm 5 W in series between the 10,000 cap and 1,500 cap help?

5). Is the (10,000+1,500FC) overkilled, or (4,700 + 1,500FC) per rail is sufficient?

Thanks in advance!
1). Can the LM3875 and big PS (10,000+1500FC+0.1 per rail) be in the same board? ( One tranny 24-0-24 240VA per channel)

Nina>> That's fine. Dual mono config.

2). Will it hurt from the current ripple can cause hum or ground problem? 3). Will having 1 Ohm res between the main ground and the signal ground help?

Nina>> 1 Ohm is too small for that current. 100 Ohm 1W should be better, I think. ( I saw on the Leach amp, they use ~ 82 Ohm).

4) Will having 0.1 Ohm 5 W in series between the 10,000 cap and 1,500 cap help?

Nina>> Don't know. May be Carlos, Nuuk and people here can answer you this question.

5). Is the (10,000+1,500FC) overkilled, or (4,700 + 1,500FC) per rail is sufficient?

Nina>> According to Nelson Pass's article, The bigger the better. Big capacitors hold more charge. So, 10,000 is better if you already have/can affort it.

Carlos, in this case, do we really needs both RC ( the 0.1R one orginally at PS, and the 0.47R near the clip) ???

Nina: Thanks for your comment. I would try the 4,700+1,500 per rail first, and keep four of my 10,000UF cap for other projects


I did search and look for a member named Mr Ed but in vain. Could you hint me more?

BTW, thanks for the pic. THAT is what in my mind now ( except mine will be point-2-point on vero board, and the chip is in flat position, because I cannot make the PCB -___-" )


How about the RC(s)? Do we still need both of them even they are on the same board?

Upupa Epops :

I cannot find your PCB on the posts. Could you share us your PCB and experience? Thanks!
Upupa Epops said:
Why " not practical ", Carlos ? Look at my PCB - any problems with wiring, no hum, easy assembling... Yes, no space for own experiments, it is " problem "... ;)

It may not be practical in terms of size, just that.
If you put diodes, 4,700uF + 1R + 2~3x10,000uF caps on the amp board it will be a big PCB, in some cases not practical to assemble on a chassis/heatsink.
It can be made, of course.

Btw I have no hum too. :cool:
But I understand what you mean, two channels on one board is less likely to give hum problems if you don't know how to wire things properly.
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