Ok, I admit i don't make any sense out of this

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AX tech editor
Joined 2002
Paid Member
But that transistor that has the collector to the emitter of the other, that places its collector-base diode in conduction, isn't it? That would influence the operation of the input, no?

Edit: that collector doesn't appear to get any supply, as it is connected (with the other emitter) directly to the output via 10 ohms.

Jan Didden
Left side transistors work with Vc = Vb so its Vce is one diode drop
Right side transistors work with Vc = Vb + diode drop so its Vce is two diode drops

Note that left side transistors have its bases tied together while right side transistors have its emitters tied together

Note also that small signal transistors may work with Vce as low as 0.1 V [ie: collector potential between base and emitter potential

Redrawing the schematic may help to understand it
Here's the redrawn version. It looks much clearer now.


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Steven said:
Thanks Andy_c, only after your drawing it was clear to me what the actual design was.
Funny, how one needs to draw a schematic in a certain way to recognize things. People are severely restricted in this compared to Spice. :cannotbe:

Yes, our circuit pattern recognition seems to want to see things in a certain way. I've had circuits I've designed myself put into a CAD system by a draftsman who redrew them in such a way that I could not understand what the circuit was! Curious how the mind works.
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