Attention AKSA 55, Meanderings...

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Çíàêîìñòâà c ìóæ÷èíàìè èç Çàïàäíîé Åâðîïû, ÑØÀ, Êàíàäû è Àâñòðàëèè. Äåâóøêè ìîãóò ðàçìåñòèòü àíêåòó áåñïëàòíî

Hugh Dean / Rod Elliott (ESP)

I rather enjoyed the above. It gives the distinct impression that Mr Dean is using the AKSA as a cover- up for more profitable activities :)
Thanks Hugh, for allowing a potentially interesting thread to start. I wish you and your business every success, good luck!

Analog_SA and Others: GIVE IT A REST!

If you think there are some underhand business operations going on, report it to the relevant authorities! (maybe start with the maf/a and other organised crime operations b4 giving Hugh such a hard time) I for one am frustrated by the cottage industry bashing that is filling up this forum these days!

Just look at the value Carlos has got from Hugh's product!
why do you have to be so sneaky? say what you mean and if you don't want to, don't say it.

Russian advertising and Ausiess' names were met accidentally, a kind of qui pro quo. Analog_sa try to build a would-be theory from nothing.

I ask Babelfish. The reply is: Girls can place form free of charge when want too become acquainted with men from West Europe, USA, Canada and Australia.
May i have your attention gentleman?

My english poor, this way, ask you efforts to understand me:

Japanese not stupid
Japanese real clever
Japanese have Sanyo there
Sanyo is long time making good chip amplifiers
All countries using chip amps
Japanese not stupid made new chip
This one better and smaller
Inside circuit is the old Thopologie
The same thopologie made Rodd famous
The same thopologie made Hugh Famous
The same thopologie made Carlos happy
The same thopologie will make Carlos rich here
The same way teacher donne, Carlos learned
The start of production line will be soon
When think our circuit stupid
When say our circuit stupid
When make jokes with this circuit
When snob this circuit
When Japanese not stupid doing it
You will see that have some logical problem here.


Had honored Hallojoy visit here in Brazil

And he told me:

Du bist nichst parlez one buonno Englanden!

Wier vai teach zu

This way he teached me english:

And he said to me, and i type it here:

Enginneer is good
Enginneer is needed
No good life without enginneer
If enginner became no good, because sick]
Can replace enginneer with a computer program
And enter CCS, current, voltage and go on
Cannot replace my freund Karl long time hearing
Cannot replace Rodd hearing 30 years
Cannot replace Hugh Hearing
This way, enginneer good!..ear good too

analog_sa said:
Thank goodness for that observation. How serious can one be in thread which reads like the latino version of Alo-alo.

I have to dissagree! I find it hard to stay serious in Hugh bashing threads like this one. Why must he and Rod justify the last breath of air they just took, all the time!

Mark -> who is soldering 100 ohm resistors accross the fuses in his p3a, to protect his Volt BM220.8 Bass units, which he loves and has been worried about for quite some time!
No, i am afraid not, unfortunatelly i think

Because he is much more inteligent than i am,
I respect him very much, and also forum people, but really, when you expend some time talking to some special people, related intelligence, you feel impressed and tired if not so good as he is... hard to understand his logical sequence, unfortunattely i do not know the past of him, people said he was banish, this way i can suppose he made something bad.

I asked many people, all them run away related response.

This way, i think he impressed a lot of people, the same way he left good impression to me... also one of Cuban Leaders let some good impressions too...but, this one kill a lot of people, this way, no good, but left some strong feelings with us.

Do you know something related Halojoy, he envited me his forum, do you think he is good guy?
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