Small speakers for Gainclone..

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My current setup is a valve buffered gainclone with IPL S3 transmission lines (shown) and although the sound is very smooth and well rounded I am moving to a house with a smaller living room and will probably need to change the speakers.

Does anyone have any recommendations for small (ie: probably standmount) speakers they have used with a gainclone? They would need to have a fairly high sensitivity, I imagine 89db and upwards, and can be self-build designs, kits or shop bought. I have a baby daughter so esoteric designs with sharp protrusions are out of the question for the time being!

Thanks in advance,


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I can't see why the S3's would be a problem in a smaller room
necessarily, they might even sound better, all depends on room
mode frequencies and the S3 tuning frequency.

If the S3's tuning frequency is below the lowest room
mode of the smaller room I can't see any major problems.

:) sreten.
Full Rangers

Full range drivers seem to work well with gainclones. I'm using Jordan TLs with an inverted gainclone with a great deal of success, but they are clearly bigger and less child friendly (read tippier) than you desire.

Jim Griffith's JX92s design might be worth a try. It has been built by a number of people who have been positive about the design and has won DIY awards.

I'm considering 10 ltr enclosures tunes to 45 hz for rear surrounds but haven't built them and don't have any subjective support for this approach.
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