New Ono up and running

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Finally got my Ono working. It may not be as pretty as some of the other
onos here, but my excuse is that is that it was my first attempt at layouts
and PCB making.

I relented and added inverting and muting circuits, so it's now a full ono
clone. The layout is based on the Aleph, but with numerous departures.
My apologies to Wayne if I've failed to do justice to his outstanding circuit.
Tweaks were fairly minor, and virtually all taken from the various other onos
here, with Jens, Peter Daniel and Bouke deserving special credit. I've omitted
output coupling caps in both the main and inverting sections, added some
filtering, bypassed the supplies on the main board, and used the 'x' variant
of C10. For evaluation I've put in Black Gate C-types (47uF/50V) for the three
220uF electrolytic DC blocking caps in the MC section. This seems to work so
I may upgrade to N types. Other parts are pretty standard - Vishay/Dale
resistors, Panasonic polypropylene and electrolytic caps, plus a few

The power supply is dual mono starting with a separate 40VDC supply (not
shown) cribbed from the Pearl manual with negative supplies added.
Regulated 30V supplies are in the main enclosure as shown. These are a
combination of Pearl-like filtering with Ono regulation, and work pretty well.
Enclosures were purchased - I wanted to deal with milling and anodizing as
a separate exercise.

The sound is truly exceptional in spite of my tinkering, and a welcome
complement to my Aleph L and 3.

My thanks to Wayne for a very special design and to Nelson both for making
it all possible and for sharing, like the best of teachers, both his knowledge
and his enthusiasm.

Now for a name ... Clono? Oh No?


  • phono.jpg
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*great job
do you consider making your layout public?*

Thanks. I don't have a web site but could try posting the layout files when I
have time to clean up some details. They were done with the cheaper
version of Douglas Layout (around $25, Mac or PC, no Gerber or drill files).
That way you could experiment too.

*Nice pcb's. Home made? Single sided?*

Thanks. The boards are home made. Phono boards are double-sided with
ground planes, others are single-sided. I used photosensitive positive resist
boards (Injectorall) which accounts for some of the board sizes. Exposures
were tricky, but after practice this method was pretty reliable.

No endorsement or connections, etc., but it was Mac and cheap.
You may want to check the output options for PC if that's your platform.
They disabled some wierd things, like some printing and export options.
On the Mac I exported PICT files to clean up ground planes, do final scaling,
and such.

Let me know if/when you want the files. If you want the mistakes fixed,
that will take longer....

Ed Robinson said:

Let me know if/when you want the files. If you want the mistakes fixed,
that will take longer....


I'd appreciate receiving a copy of the layout for the ono and power supply.

I'm also on a Mac, but don't use the Douglas software. I use an old version of ClarisCad. But any image file type is okay, because I can open it in photoshop.

Ono files

Hi transducer,

I tried to email you offline but you aren't
accepting mail. Briefly, yes I can send
jpegs, postscript or Douglas files. I would
encourage you to consider getting the
cheap version of Douglas ($25) if only to
clean up things you don't like, or to substitute
parts, e.g. I didn't leave room for big
output coupling capacitors since I hoped
to omit them anyway. This is not to endorse
Douglas, and I have no connection, but I
can't supply Gerber files, thus your choice of
layout programs is limited.

I would also emphasize that this whole
project was an experiment - I'm not an
experienced designer. That it sounds pretty
decent is no doubt due to the robustness
of the circuit and not to the interpretation.

Best regards,

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