Where to source chassis?

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I've been trying to find some nice chassis cases for my chip amps and dacs. The ones that Trends Audio uses look ok but I can't find any source. Same for the better looking Kingrex.

I've been searching for months. I looked in the archives here without success. Maybe I'm using the wrong search criteria.

Any help is greatly appreciated.
Joined 2004
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What's available is largely determined by your budget. I've had great results using enclosures from iagaudio.com, atiresearch-anodized.com and hifi2000.it, but none of those three options are inexpensive (for those of us in the U.S., the latter two entail international shipping). Others have built amazing enclosures from ordinary materials or discarded electronic equipment (old receivers, toasters, whatever).

The options have been thoroughly explored on this website. Keep at it; you'll find something suitable.

Thanks everyone. Actually I've built them into jewelry boxes and hand made wooden boxes. I would like to try out some metal ones. I'll check those links and do more search on this site.

I really like he idea of steampunk but that's a lot of work and design. Right now extruded metal would be ok.

I know im new to this but it amases me how mutch some of you are prepered to pay for an ok looking enclosure. 10 muinets of cad time £50 of laster cutting and you could have a case that looks fantastic. add some acid etching and you would have somthing truly uniuqe.

pinkmouse said:

If you can point us towards a company that does it that cheaply, I think we all would be interested. I was looking into this a while back on behalf of a client, and the best quote I got was £300 for a one off.

Not a company but I could do it I have just recived all the laser cut parts back for the new dash for my marcos including waterjet cut venner to do inlay with. it cost £25 and there is alot of intrecate logo work.

I am planing on making up some mono block enclosures with wood side pannles I will take some photos once im done (mind jan as im buisy on the marcos at the moment) I expect the cut materials for one enclosure to be in the regoin of30 to 40 depending on the wood I use.

pinkmouse said:
If you can point us towards a company that does it that cheaply, I think we all would be interested. I was looking into this a while back on behalf of a client, and the best quote I got was £300 for a one off.
I'm finishing up a simple design that would work out to roughly half that cost. All ali of course, professionally made and anodised. (Based loosely on this DIY chassis but a fair bit longer and deeper). I just wonder whether there's enough call for it in the UK...
pinkmouse said:

Ah, wood. I was thinking ali.

it is all ally it has a CNCed marcs logo in the surface cut down to .7 mm and wood watter jet cut to inlay into the alloy like I say this is for a car dash.

But an all aloy hifi case with strips of wood on the side like the peter danyel case should be doable for a resnobly low matereal cost.

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