Power to drive horns

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Several times it has been mentioned on threads that a given speaker is too weak to drive say a mid range horn to higher frequencies. What TS parameters cover this and what range should I be looking for in these parameters.

How much effect does the cone stiffness have when loaded by a horn and what is best here. I am asking about cone drivers, not compression drivers. Hope somebody can assist.
Theory says look at the EBP or efficiency bandpass product - (EBP is equal to the driver's resonant frequency (Fs) divided by its electrical damping factor (Qes))- normally the higher the EBP the better when your wanting an extended high frequency cone midrange horn/system. Light cone and powerful motor.

Read the Dinsdale and Edgar articles here
Look for an EBP above 270 and a tilted rising response beyond the bandwidth you want to cover. As you can see in the Edgar article the theory is just a theory - but a fine place to start. Buying drivers and trying them gets expensive. If you don't need a lot of power handling the little JBL 2105 (LE5) is a safe bet. It is limited to around 30 watts at 105 db/w
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